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Simply Bananas 06-01-2009 11:59 AM

What the going rate on...
..the rare Black Orinoco?

LOL... You gotta love Lowes sometimes. I was just looking and saw the black and waxy pstem. The drooped leaves made it easy to ask for a discount and I got half off.

Not exactly sure what type it is.
Here are some other photos.

Not sure what black banana has been been TC'd lately that Lowes would have access to.

Any ideas out there?

just j 06-01-2009 08:18 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
looks like a thia black

ron_mcb 06-01-2009 08:26 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
was that the only banana with that pigmentation in the store??? maybe they have others and someone pulled out the sign and mis placed it. go check and see if there are any more like that.. is there another lowes in your city that you could visit??? do some more checking it may help answer your question.

Simply Bananas 06-01-2009 08:35 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
I frequent Lowes and Home Depot for work every week(sometimes 3 trips a day..ugh). We have 4 Lowes, 2 HD. I check out the garden area every few days to see what they have. Thats why the black one caught my eye. I have not inspected every banana plant at every Lowes, but of all I have seen, none were like this one.

kaczercat 07-17-2009 04:41 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
Yes this does look very much like a Thai black . they always miss label bananas at these kinda stores. I was at a Zellers In Vancouver (coquitlam) last week picking up a red banana . there was a few kinds of bananas and they had chinese yellow banana labeled as musa basjoo hardy banana i said what the hell is this , drives me crazy !! lol

Bob 07-17-2009 05:04 PM

Re: What the going rate on...

Originally Posted by Simply Bananas (Post 78421)
I frequent Lowes and Home Depot for work every week(sometimes 3 trips a day..ugh). We have 4 Lowes, 2 HD. I check out the garden area every few days to see what they have. Thats why the black one caught my eye. I have not inspected every banana plant at every Lowes, but of all I have seen, none were like this one.

You've got to love it, who knows who their buyers are but I'm sure they all know who the major suppliers are. Sometimes an educated consumer can do well. Just not in Jersey it seems.
(and I still liked porkpi) !!!:ha::ha::ha:

xavierdlc61887 07-18-2009 04:54 AM

Re: What the going rate on...
or and this imo could be any of these things?

1) the provider of the TC plantlets, could have just gotten the order wrong
2) when the plantlets got delivered they were out of the little tray slots....and if any of you have purchased TC plants, some will be out of the little slots :P
3) the employee putting the labels on was lazy and just put them fast just to finish the job :P

Ok this is just my opinion so dont beat me up!!! :P

xavierdlc61887 07-18-2009 04:56 AM

Re: What the going rate on...
But either way its good to be knowledgeable about banana plants and any plant for that matter!!!

D_&_T 07-18-2009 01:58 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
We had our Orinocos turn black last year like that, this summer our last one alive is green again!
Our Orinoco came from Jarred when he had one of this clean up the Orinoco mat sales!

Simply Bananas 07-18-2009 03:42 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
It does look a bit like your orinoco.
It has doubled in size in the 6 weeks it has been in the ground. Its now at least 10' tall.

Pretty black and velvety with wax(?).

This is a tough plant. The leaves were broken at least 6 weeks ago and are still green.

kaczercat 07-18-2009 04:12 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
looking so nice love that plant caust of the color :) oh yeah its gotten big > great job

coast crab 07-18-2009 04:13 PM

Re: What the going rate on...

Looks just like my Thai black. Notice the angle of the leaves and how they look like paddles stuck on the trunk. Mine has a very narrow and upright profile, and it is about 10 ft tall too with no sign of any pups. I bought it from Hirt's Garden (ebay) last winter.

My cheeka and iholene red came from Home Depot and my bordelon and zebrina came from Lowes week before last here in Mobile.


jrozier 09-30-2009 02:25 PM

Re: Unknown Black Banana

How big did the black stemmed banana get this year?

Simply Bananas 09-30-2009 03:02 PM

Re: What the going rate on...
Its about 9 feet of pstem now.

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