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hammer 09-28-2010 09:30 AM

calif cold in a pot
Two weeks ago i dug this calif gold and put it in this 50 gallon container it has put a new leaf out last week . it is 6foot 7inches tall it seems to be slowing down and swelling at the top of the p steam if this banana blooms can bring in my house when it gets cold will it be okay.

kaczercat 09-28-2010 03:28 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
Good luck hope it does well for you this winter. make sure it has lots of light and not too much water i have to keep telling myself that lol !

Bob 09-28-2010 04:07 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
Looking good Shannon, I'm having the same issues here with a Veinte Cohol that's still in the ground. Wish I had thought to pot it sooner.

LilRaverBoi 09-28-2010 05:38 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
Just FYI....pretty sure that is not a 50 gallon container. This is the rubbermade 50 gallon container:

I would bet it's more like 10-12 gallon. My 25 gallon pots are taller and as wide as the longer side all the way around. It should be okay in that pot, but won't probably have super-vigorous growth. To answer your question, though, if it gets cold, yes, you can bring it inside and it should be okay. If it does bloom, theoretically bunch size should already be determined, but development of the fruit might be difficult since it was recently transplanted and lost much of its root system.

hammer 09-28-2010 07:57 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot

Originally Posted by LilRaverBoi (Post 142658)
Just FYI....pretty sure that is not a 50 gallon container. This is the rubbermade 50 gallon container:

I would bet it's more like 10-12 gallon. My 25 gallon pots are taller and as wide as the longer side all the way around. It should be okay in that pot, but won't probably have super-vigorous growth. To answer your question, though, if it gets cold, yes, you can bring it inside and it should be okay. If it does bloom, theoretically bunch size should already be determined, but development of the fruit might be difficult since it was recently transplanted and lost much of its root system.

It says 50 gallon on the container it took 10 40 gallon bags of potting soil to fill it up my back still fills it.

hammer 09-28-2010 08:02 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
I have 10 30 gallon container that takes alot less soil than that one its bigger than it looks. i got it from ace hardware its made for livestock.
Well i was wrong its a 49 gallon i went out pulled the sticker off.

LilRaverBoi 09-28-2010 11:14 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
Hmmm....must look a lot smaller in the pic, then. My 25 gallon pots seem a lot larger than the pictured container (with a similar sized plant) but maybe the perspective is off somehow. 50 gal. should be fine, then.

PS...took away that thanks....ouch! LOL.

PPS...TEN 40 gallon bags of soil? That's 400 gallons....clearly there are some measurement inconsistencies here.

AV1611Corbin777 09-28-2010 11:26 PM

Re: calif cold in a pot
It does look very small to me too but at 3 feet long...
I think just the shape is deceiving since we are use to seeing round pots.

Always nice to have a inside nanner to stare at
Have fun dragging that thing around =]

Is it 6 foot at pstem or top leaf?

Homz/ Tamor
49 Gallon Tote

Durable and stackable, with handle-grip areas on all 4 sides. Impact-resistant corners. Rollers on 1 side for easy transport. Lids snap shut in 4 locking positions. Patented design. Dimensions: 38.12" L. x 24" W. x 18.5" H. Color: Charcoal.

harveyc 09-29-2010 01:57 AM

Re: calif cold in a pot
FYI - for those looking to do conversions, 1 cubic foot holds 7.5 gallons. Another useful fact I learned in my irrigation engineering course about 32 years ago is that you lose 1 PSI for every 2.31 feet you go uphill with an irrigation line (or gain going downhill). Not that this second factoid pertains to this thread at all, I just like to recall some things which I learned in college that have turned out to be helpful information. On the other hand, learning to do calculus with manual calculations has never done me one single bit of good! lol :ha:

hammer 09-29-2010 06:50 AM

Re: calif cold in a pot

Originally Posted by LilRaverBoi (Post 142691)
Hmmm....must look a lot smaller in the pic, then. My 25 gallon pots seem a lot larger than the pictured container (with a similar sized plant) but maybe the perspective is off somehow. 50 gal. should be fine, then.

PS...took away that thanks....ouch! LOL.

PPS...TEN 40 gallon bags of soil? That's 400 gallons....clearly there are some measurement inconsistencies here.

MY bad they were not 40 pound potting soil bags. I like this contaner it has weels on it .

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