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sloot95 05-31-2013 12:12 AM

Dispose of excess pups

Whats the easiest way to get rid of excess pups? My banana crop in the corner of the yard is getting quite crowded I want to remove some of the larger pups around 1.5m of pstem. I dug one out yesterday man it was a bugger i had to dig all around it, bent one of shovels up trying to leaver the thing out and off the parent plant. I read somewhere you can cut a pup off near ground level then pour some kero over the wound to kill it im worried this will damage the parent too. Any other suggestions? Or am i just going to have to suck it up and go dig them out hoping not to damage the mothers too much.

sloot95 05-31-2013 12:45 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Pup on the left is one that needs to go.

venturabananas 05-31-2013 12:48 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Cut them off at ground level and gouge out the center to destroy the meristem.

sloot95 05-31-2013 01:11 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Like so

bananimal 05-31-2013 07:05 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Or you could do like I do. Dig out the pup when it's big enough to have its own roots, pot it up. Join a garden/fruit tree club that has an auction at its monthly meetings and sell it. Typically the member gets 80%, the club gets 20.

Treasure Coast Rare Fruit Club

sunfish 05-31-2013 08:46 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Restrictions on the movement and planting of banana plants are imposed to prevent the spread of serious banana diseases, such as banana ...

sunfish 05-31-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Blue Sky Backyard Bananas | Banana Plants

Duckfood 05-31-2013 10:10 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by sloot95 (Post 220161)

I feel like a crime has been committed...

Abnshrek 05-31-2013 11:30 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Did that to 3 Raja Puri Pups this morning.. Mulch.. :^)

RandyGHO 05-31-2013 12:55 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
The key though is too keep them removed which can be a weekly affair. By the way, all my suckers got to the rose bed. Roses love banana plants, bananas and banana skins. They will bloom like crazy.

cheson74 05-31-2013 04:39 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by venturabananas (Post 220160)
Cut them off at ground level and gouge out the center to destroy the meristem.

I tried this method on my Blue Java and it didn't work.

brod 05-31-2013 06:08 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
commercial growers in Australia chop the pup off near ground level and gouge a little bit out and pour in a cap full of kerosene. I use this method and it works like a treat with no detriment to the matt. The best thing is to get them when they are small.

sloot95 05-31-2013 09:14 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by Duckfood (Post 220172)
I feel like a crime has been committed...

lol dw i felt bad doing it but I need to keep them under control. Please don't put my in the banana jail

venturabananas 05-31-2013 11:24 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by cheson74 (Post 220200)
I tried this method on my Blue Java and it didn't work.

Must not have got the meristem.

PR-Giants 06-01-2013 12:08 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
I don't have a need to kill pups but if the need arises, I probably would first try piercing the pup with a small stick. I would think anything that binds the center shaft should effectively kill the pup. I would never use kerosene.

PR-Giants 06-01-2013 09:22 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by RandyGHO (Post 220182)
The key though is too keep them removed which can be a weekly affair. By the way, all my suckers got to the rose bed. Roses love banana plants, bananas and banana skins. They will bloom like crazy.

Green manure & compost are great for maintaining healthy soil, but using banana plants, bananas, and banana skins for roses seems like such a waste of potassium, when you're really looking for high phosphorous.

These NPK numbers are in ratios based on K being common.

4 - 0.5 - 6 - banana plants, bananas and banana skins

4 - 1 - 6 - The popular "Banana Fuel"

12 - 1.5 - 6 - grass clippings

6 - 12 - 6 - Rose fertilizer

bananimal 06-01-2013 09:25 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by brod (Post 220207)
commercial growers in Australia chop the pup off near ground level and gouge a little bit out and pour in a cap full of kerosene. I use this method and it works like a treat with no detriment to the matt. The best thing is to get them when they are small.

Adding poison sounds lovely!

Pup corm connected to the mama corm.
Mama corm connected to the mama stem connected to all the pups.
So don't light a match when eating those bananas.

Many commercial growers use stuff you and I would assume couldn't happen.

Caveat emptor!

PR-Giants 06-01-2013 09:37 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by bananimal (Post 220242)
Adding poison sounds lovely!

Pup corm connected to the mama corm.
Mama corm connected to the mama stem connected to all the pups.
So don't light a match when eating those bananas.

Many commercial growers use stuff you and I would assume couldn't happen.

Caveat emptor!

Other countries allow their farmers to use systemic pesticides that are banned in the U.S. and the fruit is still allowed to be imported.

How healthy are the bananas that you're buying?

Buen Provecho!

RAINFOREZT 06-01-2013 09:39 AM

Re: Dispose of excess pups
Do not cut them off ..they will come back...remove the pups after the harvest or close to harvest. If there is too many pups coming up, crush them with your boots. it may come back ..repeat 3-4 times ..then it won't grow back.. you can also use the back end of the the draw bar to crush under ground.\

If you remove the pups with roots of a growing plant that not fruited can reduce the production yield.

bananimal 06-01-2013 04:29 PM

Re: Dispose of excess pups

Originally Posted by PR-Giants (Post 220243)
Other countries allow their farmers to use systemic pesticides that are banned in the U.S. and the fruit is still allowed to be imported.

How healthy are the bananas that you're buying?

Buen Provecho!

Well put.

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