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PR-Giants 08-07-2022 09:07 AM

Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
It's very common to get variegated offshoots from completely visual green seedlings that had variegation somewhere in it's pedigree. Normally it's a small amount of variegation that needs works to improve over subsequent generations but obviously this could also happen.

esmithj333 08-07-2022 09:36 AM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
That’s a cool looking banana!

PR-Giants 08-07-2022 09:46 AM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

Originally Posted by esmithj333 (Post 349732)
That’s a cool looking banana!

Getting less variegation is the same process as trying to increase the variegation and it starts by following that green and yellow leaf sheath back to the rhizome.

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 06:49 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

esmithj333 08-12-2022 07:20 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
The initial pictures look like the newly unfurled leaves of my Namwah Pearl. The variegation on mine starts like that and then some portions of the leaves darken up. Thanks for the great information Pr! I’ve learned a lot from your posts!

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 07:32 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

Originally Posted by esmithj333 (Post 349868)
The initial pictures look like the newly unfurled leaves of my Namwah Pearl. The variegation on mine starts like that and then some portions of the leaves darken up. Thanks for the great information Pr! I’ve learned a lot from your posts!

Like this?

esmithj333 08-12-2022 07:44 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
No the very first picture more so. The last picture bananas look really cool! I’d be interested in one if you ever decided to sell.

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 07:45 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
Some people call this a pearl but it's not.

Some people don't even realize this cultivar produces fruit.

A lot of this misinformation would never happen if people simply start by saying that they have little or no experience but they have advice and an opinion.

esmithj333 08-12-2022 08:00 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
I have some experience but I know you have much more than I do. I only said the first picture looked like my Pearl. I don’t see how that would come across in any sort of negative manner. If that somehow did, I apologize. I’be been here to learn and grow from people like yourself.

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 08:01 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
This isn't a pearl either but is often confused with the plant in the previous post.

This plant will die.

esmithj333 08-12-2022 08:05 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling
What is the banana in the previous post? It looks cool, but I was under the impression the mostly white ones don’t make it.

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 08:30 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

Originally Posted by esmithj333 (Post 349874)
I have some experience but I know you have much more than I do. I only said the first picture looked like my Pearl. I don’t see how that would come across in any sort of negative manner. If that somehow did, I apologize. I’be been here to learn and grow from people like yourself.

I was not referring to you at all, it never even crossed my mind that anyone would interpret it as negative. It's intended to be constructive for anyone it may apply to.

I apologize to you. I was just trying to figure out what you were calling a pearl and because there is so much misinformation about this plant and it's origin I probably wasn't as concise with my words as I should have been.

I do have a photo of the original pearl before it went into tissue culture and next time I run across it I'll post it.

PR-Giants 08-12-2022 08:33 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

Originally Posted by esmithj333 (Post 349876)
What is the banana in the previous post? It looks cool, but I was under the impression the mostly white ones don’t make it.

which photo?

PR-Giants 09-03-2022 02:13 PM

Re: Highly variegated offshoot from a completely green seedling

Originally Posted by PR-Giants (Post 349864)

The variegation in the last 3 leaves has changed quite a bit since the first 3 leaves.

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