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gander54 03-11-2011 09:59 AM

Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
Ok I think I saw a pic in someones gallery that they leave this plant outside during the winter in zone 6. I live in zone 7a.I always have a hard time wintering over this plant when I take it in I let it go dormant and it almost always almost dies out.

nannerfunboi 03-11-2011 09:46 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
i cant say im very experienced in nanner culture..yet..:)
i just started growing bananas last yr..but ive had great luck so far..
last yrs plants..many ensetes.. got huge..i was really pleased..
the ensetes i brought in and overwintered..bareroot.. did well..
trunks are solid.. and almost all are now sending out leaves..
there are some great people here that have helped me with suggestiongs
in overwinter plants..
did your ensetes make it this winter? hope they did..

Annie6078OH 03-15-2011 11:12 AM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
I managed to overwinter several of mine indoors (Zone 6 - I can't imagine these making it outdoors), but was unhappy with the growth the 2nd season ... they were rather choked up and grew VERY slowly ... not nearly as prolific or full as the 1st season. For me, the results were just not worth all the effort to dig up, bring in, and then plant back out again.

Hope you will/others have had better luck than I.

saltydad 03-15-2011 01:39 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
I am on my 3rd season with overwintering maurelli indoors. So far, all is OK, but will know more when they go back outside. They are in my basement stored bareroot.

gander54 03-15-2011 11:39 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
Thanks but I guess I did not make it clear enough. I want to know how many winter them over outdoors in zone 7a.

palmtree 03-15-2011 11:56 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
I also have terrible luck with them indoors. The aphids take over. I just hope it hangs on for another 2 or 3 more weeks!
As for keeping it outside year-round, as long as you mulch it enough to keep it below the frost line (which means about a foot of mulch just to be safe) it should be okay. Hope someone can help a little more than I did!

sashaeffer 08-11-2011 02:34 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
If Eneste in just a pot, can't they be brought in for the winter and over wintered like other banana's? in pots?


kaczercat 08-11-2011 05:36 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]

Originally Posted by sashaeffer (Post 171009)
If Eneste in just a pot, can't they be brought in for the winter and over wintered like other banana's? in pots?


Yepp that's what I did last year.

nannerfunboi 08-11-2011 07:49 PM

Re: Red Stripe Ensete Banana Tree [Ensete maurelii]
a novice here..only going on my 3rd yr with bananas..
last yr one of my maurelli got HUGE !!! :goteam:
it took me and 2 neighbour kids to dig and pull out..
i stored it and biggest glaucum in cool part of basement..
i sprayed the roots with kelp water maybe once a month..
both overwintered great!!!!
i dont have a cold greenhouse..YET>>> to store a big plant potted up..
i did store my basjoo in pots though.. this yr..they have gotten pretty
big.. but i have a high ceiling in living room..with big
they will probably go back there this winter..
spider mites for me too.. but i haul potted ones into a bathroom
and give them a shower.. seems to keep s.m down..
good luck to ya!!!!

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