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H2O 12-25-2012 10:22 AM

Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Seeds from Beng (thanks again)

Seeds soaked in water 3 days - on the boiler (water changed daily)

Wet Coco substrat.

Less than 20 days. The first two germinated are these:

Bananaking29 12-27-2012 06:51 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Yeah nice! Mine seeds arrived today :)

2woodensticks 12-27-2012 09:26 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
keep us up to date..i might try a few myself

bengtang 01-07-2013 11:26 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)

Originally Posted by H2O (Post 211944)
Seeds from Beng (thanks again)
Seeds soaked in water 3 days - on the boiler (water changed daily)
Wet Coco substrat.
Less than 20 days.

Nice! Keep us updated as to how they grow. If anyone else wants some seeds, PM me your postal address. They are from wild banana plants in the forest, probably some subspecies of Musa acuminata. The climate here is hot and humid, 90% humidity, daily temperature 25-33C. The bananas grow in full sun (which is hot as it is near the equator) or partial shade, but they grow best in full sun.

Musa777 01-08-2013 11:14 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
My congratulations Beng!
I´m already very excited of receiving the seeds, too.
In areas with high humidity most bananas grow in full sun best.
Here in Europe with its low humidity in summer bananas prefer partial shade.

bengtang 01-08-2013 10:36 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
An article and some pics showing where the seeds come from, i am pretty sure they are native to Singapore.

Photo gallery: Amateur naturalist may have found wild bananas here

Wild bananas growing near Dairy Farm Rd?, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Singapore Guides & Articles - STClassifieds

wolfyhound 01-08-2013 10:57 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
That's a very cool project. I'd love to grow wild bananas, but I don't think they'd survive very well here.

Bananaking29 01-14-2013 04:33 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Yeaah! mine seeds generated too! :D

Thanks Beng!

AlekLO 01-15-2013 06:23 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Dear Beng,thank you very much for seeds..Cheers,Aleksandar

bengtang 01-18-2013 03:16 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)

Originally Posted by Bananaking29 (Post 213213)
Yeaah! mine seeds generated too! :D

Thanks Beng!

Thanks for the good news! What did you do to make them germinate? How long did it take?

Bananaking29 01-18-2013 06:36 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)

from Christmas they went into the ground, I have three days to weeks, and then left to stand at 25 °. with slightly moist soil. matter of patience then. I really extreme kinds of kiemers separate Musas. you have some pictures of the whole plant / flower you've harvested them from?


jeffreyp 02-01-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Beng for the seeds, please be sure to keep me updated if the velutina seeds I sent sprout. I didnt do anything special to get your seeds to sprout, I sowed in rich organic soil, at a depth of 2cm, soaked overnight in water prior to sowing, maybe 2.5 weeks to germinate?

Bananaking29 02-10-2013 12:54 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
2 Attachment(s)

here is mine update form the seeds :)

And I have a new site all about musa's!

And add me on facebook for update's!!/Henkie213


bengtang 02-11-2013 05:37 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Thanks for the photos my friends.

Here are some photos of where the seeds come from:

Banana Gallery - Wild bananas in Singapore

stevieboy1 03-21-2013 06:34 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Im looking forward to giving these seeds a try thanks to bengtang who kindly messaged me and offerd me some seeds to try. It Will be nice to see if i can get them to grow. At least i will be safe in the nolage they are fresh.:woohoonaner:

Good to see yours have sprouted H2O!!! Congrats!:goteam::goteam::0519:


H2O 03-22-2013 02:48 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Pics update, the biggest ones:

stevieboy1 03-22-2013 07:12 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Looking good H2O Nice and healthy :08::08:

Steve :03:

bengtang 03-22-2013 11:28 PM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)

Originally Posted by H2O (Post 216344)
Pics update, the biggest ones:

Thanks for the pics, they look good. Once you have those long summer days they should grow fast.

Romul 03-25-2013 02:58 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)
Hello, friends. I also have fun! Today, on my birthday, came the first germ of Musa acuminata from Beng. Beng, thank you very much once again. You are doing a good job keeping the population of your banana.
Seeds germinated one month. Unfortunately due to the incorrect Google translation, I still can not upload photos and create an album.

bengtang 04-09-2013 03:20 AM

Re: Germination - wild banana (probabaly M. acuminata)

Originally Posted by Romul (Post 216456)
Hello, friends. I also have fun! Today, on my birthday, came the first germ of Musa acuminata from Beng. Beng, thank you very much once again. You are doing a good job keeping the population of your banana.
Seeds germinated one month. Unfortunately due to the incorrect Google translation, I still can not upload photos and create an album.

Thanks for the news. How did you make them germinate? What temperature did you keep them at?

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