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Randy4ut 01-28-2010 10:05 AM

Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
Well, I am still testing the thermostat, timer, and temps, but hopefully by this weekend I will start filling it up. I took my old fridge we used out in the garage for extra food and drinks and am trying to convert it into a seed germinating chamber. Main purpose is for germinating Musa seeds since they seem to require more attention to detail. With most of them, they like fluctuating temperatures. Will have to just wait and see. I still hope to be able to germinate palms seeds in here as well.
Anyway, I am using an older model of a heater that is flat and mainly used for under a desk heat. It is attached to a thermostat that I can adjust from 30F to 110F. :eek: This is then attached to a heavy duty timer that allows me to turn it off and on up to about 3-4 times within a 24 hour period. I also have a remote thermometer to be able to monitor the temps inside.
I plugged it in this morning about 6:15 and by 9:30 the temp was up to 103F!! The garage is unheated and about 40F right now. That was with the thermostat not hooked up. I have now cooled it down, attached the thermostat and set it at 85F.
Just wanted to share this with everyone and invite comments, advice, etc. from everyone as I want to make sure I cover all my bases. Any help with palm/banana seed germination tips would be greatly appreciated.

Dalmatiansoap 01-28-2010 10:35 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
That is great device now Randy.
That will be germination master 2010!
Good luck

r3tic 01-28-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
Looking good, you should consider placing a small fan inside to move air top to bottom. Otherwise you may find fairly drastic temperature differences.

conejov 01-28-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
Just out of Curiosity Was inspiration WALL-E?

Randy4ut 01-28-2010 11:13 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
Alex, I saw the movie with my kids and think we may have purchased it. Was there something similiar in the movie to this? I don't recall. Remember most of it, just not that part.

Randy4ut 01-28-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber

Originally Posted by r3tic (Post 119841)
Looking good, you should consider placing a small fan inside to move air top to bottom. Otherwise you may find fairly drastic temperature differences.

Dave, appreciate the input and you are the second person to suggest this as a consideration. I am currently checking the difference between the top of the fridge compared to the lowest shelf, which is just above the heater that is angled forward. I am using two separate remote thermometers and hope to get a better idea of the difference. I would not think it would vary any more than a degree or so since it is a small confined space, but won't hurt to test, right?
Thanks again for your input!

Well, I just checked and swapped the remote sensors with the same result. Difference from top to bottom is less than 2F, so hopefully this means I will not really benefit with a fan. Also, comparing to the thermostat, my thermometer varied less than three degrees. I figure it is due to not using a real accurate remote thermostat. But, by monitoring the temps inside, I should be able to keep it within a couple degrees of my desired temp.

conejov 01-28-2010 12:40 PM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber

Originally Posted by Randy4ut (Post 119846)
Alex, I saw the movie with my kids and think we may have purchased it. Was there something similiar in the movie to this? I don't recall. Remember most of it, just not that part.

He Discovered the plant growing inside of a fridge Thats what it reminded me of.

Abnshrek 01-28-2010 01:11 PM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
I think it's pretty nifty Randy.. But a small low velocity fan on a dimmer switch so you can adjust rpm's to suite your needs wouldn't hurt..

Randy4ut 01-28-2010 01:17 PM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber

Originally Posted by Abnshrek (Post 119862)
I think it's pretty nifty Randy.. But a small low velocity fan on a dimmer switch so you can adjust rpm's to suite your needs wouldn't hurt..

Thanks for the compliment, but it would be a pain as I ain't no electrician and don't want to have to either dig out silicone that I filled the hole with after thermostat and heater cord was inserted, or drill another hole in the side!!! I think I will try it like it is and keep this in mind if I run into any problems. Thanks for your input!!!

Abnshrek 01-28-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber

Originally Posted by Randy4ut (Post 119864)
Thanks for the compliment, but it would be a pain as I ain't no electrician and don't want to have to either dig out silicone that I filled the hole with after thermostat and heater cord was inserted, or drill another hole in the side!!! I think I will try it like it is and keep this in mind if I run into any problems. Thanks for your input!!!

Well if you used thin computer wire you could run it on a battery pack or converter then you would still be able to close the door. A 3" computer fan would be all you may need to get the circulation.. You may have an old computer laying around.. or the fans are cheap. :^)

jmilligan1976 02-05-2010 11:09 AM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
Looks good so far Randy. You should be able to keep humidity up in there as well to try and germinate some "open air" containers. I have found that Zone 5 Indiana is not as germination friendly to tropicals as my old Zone 9B say the least.
Fluctuations in temperature is one key in my opinion but so is fluctuation in humidity and light. In my testing with Musa, Ensete and any palms/cycads I seem to be able to get better germination from many of them cycling seeds from moist to nearly dry while cycling the temps once a day.
On the topic of light, I don't really know if any Musa or Palms absolutely require it but I can't get some of my seeds to germinate without bright au-natural sunlight???
Somehow in nature something triggers germination at an appropriate time for most plants.....let me know when you figure it out.:lurk:

Abnshrek 02-26-2010 11:31 PM

Re: Old refrigerator converted to seed germination chamber
So Randy how is it working? :^) I found the thermostat on my heater wasn't doing its job so it was replaced. And to think I thought I was messing up.. lol

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