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cincinnana 09-27-2015 06:34 PM

Keep looking up!!
From time to time there are events which pass most of us by without even knowing it......without looking up.

So as a passive astro observer I (we) members will update this thread as cool stuff happens above.

Tonight a super moon and eclipse all in one..

Space and NASA News – Universe and Deep Space Information

crazy banana 09-27-2015 09:33 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Very beautiful view even without any astro happenings.

JP 09-29-2015 09:01 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
You got some nice view there!

cincinnana 10-03-2015 07:37 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Locally, there are some good places to look at events in the skies.

Cincinnati Astronomical Society

Worm_Farmer 10-07-2015 08:57 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Were you able to capture any good pictures of this event? It was very cloudy where I was here in FL. But I could see it a little bit.

cincinnana 10-07-2015 12:38 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!

Originally Posted by Worm_Farmer (Post 265489)
Were you able to capture any good pictures of this event? It was very cloudy where I was here in FL. But I could see it a little bit.

No I did not take any photos because the camera was not suited for this.
However there are many super high quality photos on the internet to view.
I like these kind of events because you can go outside and sit in a chair and watch it unfold.

Colorful rocket launch scheduled Wednesday on East Coast -

September 27 / September 28, 2015 — Total Lunar Eclipse – Where and when to see

cincinnana 10-21-2015 08:51 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
So if your like me and have to commute to work in the dark in the morning...... look to the EASTt...You will see three planets in our solar system aligned in a row.
This does not matter where you will be able to pick them out

A rule of thumb dusk or dawn, the brightest NON TWINKLING objects in the sky are planets.

FACT: The first bright "stars" in the evening that one see's are usually a planet, as well as the last ones you see in the morning.
October 2015 guide to the five visible planets | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky

cincinnana 12-13-2015 08:04 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
A great December event happens tonight.
This is usually a good one
Grab a cup of hot chocolate and go outside.:nanadrink:

Geminid Meteor Shower, Best of the Year, Peaks Sunday: Watch It Live

siege2050 12-15-2015 07:09 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
I used to sit on the roof of our house when I was a kid with my it was cold lol. Coolest thing I saw was the Andromeda galaxy, and by accident, I was just moving the telescope around. It's actually very large when viewed compared to the planets but so faint it's hard to detect with the eye.

Kegas76 12-15-2015 07:09 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Go figure, the clouds started rolling in Sunday night.

I did see one at 2am Saturday morning. I had thought it was just a random one until you posted this.

cincinnana 12-21-2015 05:00 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
For the Northern Hemisphere ....sleep in.
For the Southern Hemisphere......the party is just getting started.
Monday's winter solstice marks the longest night

Kegas76 12-23-2015 08:04 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Look up! An asteroid will be zooming past Earth on Christmas Eve - ScienceAlert

I don't have a telescope so no asteroid for me but the full moon is interesting. Hasn't been one on Christmas while I've been alive.

cincinnana 12-23-2015 10:13 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!

Originally Posted by Kegas76 (Post 267316)
Look up! An asteroid will be zooming past Earth on Christmas Eve - ScienceAlert

I don't have a telescope so no asteroid for me but the full moon is interesting. Hasn't been one on Christmas while I've been alive.

This is one of my favorite ways to look at stuff.....

Get a pair of binoculars and favorite chair/pillow and lay on your back on the driveway and get comfortable....and look up.
Most stuff which I will post will be is no scope needed.......keeping it simple!

It is amazing how much "stuff" you will see moving across the sky.

Almost me too.....Seeing a full moon on Christmas
Last time was in 1977......
next .... 2026 then 2045 then then I'll dust in the wind.

Bookmark it and enjoy.......LOL:woohoonaner:

cincinnana 03-20-2016 11:20 AM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Today is the equinox.
Everything you need to know: Vernal equinox 2016 | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky


cincinnana 07-04-2016 06:38 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Something is happening in the heavens tonight..

Juno Probe's Jupiter Arrival Tonight Fraught With Peril

And in the garden.....
I try to tie in a personal interest or two for flow of the garden

on Flickr
Photo taken in the stumpery.

sputinc7 07-04-2016 07:43 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
Hooking up to this for alerts

cincinnana 07-28-2016 08:48 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
If your lucky you might see a few in the next few days..

Delta Aquarids meteor shower peaks this week -

cincinnana 07-30-2016 05:36 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
More tonight.....It aint over......

Go out and lay on your driveway......with a pillow under your head...

JP 07-30-2016 09:19 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!
I looked at it yesterday at around 1 AM and it was very nice.

Kegas76 07-30-2016 10:17 PM

Re: Keep looking up!!

Originally Posted by cincinnana (Post 296647)
More tonight.....It aint over......

Go out and lay on your driveway......with a pillow under your head...

Pssh, driveway... I'm floating in a pool. :2730:

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