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cherokee_greg 05-07-2011 10:11 AM

Meditation for the day
Each day I have a meditation before I start my day. I hope you dont mind me sharing todays with you all. It has allot of meaning to me. Thanks

Elder's Meditation of the Day - May 7
"We must all become caretakers of the Earth."
-- -- Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders
Mother Earth is the source of all life. We should not only be concerned about the part of the Earth we live on, but we should be concerned about the parts of the Earth that other people live on. The Earth is one great whole. The trees in Brazil generate the air in the Untied States. If the trees are cut in Brazil, it affects the air that all people breathe. Every person needs to conscientiously think about how they respect the Earth. Do we dump our garbage out of the car? Do we poison the water? Do we poison the air? Am I taking on the responsibility of being a caretaker of the Earth?

Great Spirit, today, I will be aware of the Earth. I will be responsible.

nannerfunboi 05-31-2011 08:59 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
excellent cherokee !!
i do so much better in so many ways when i take only a few
minutes to meditate..
i have marcus aurelius's .. meditations.. always at my desk
and there are so many thoughts there.. applications in so many
i should take more time and just read and reflect more
so easy to get caught up in..yard,cleaning,mowing,weeding,painting
work,employee troubles,friends,family..bla..bla..

Jananas Bananas 05-31-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
Excellent Greg, Excellent!!!!! :giveflowersnana:


cherokee_greg 05-31-2011 09:26 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
Thanks I thought maybe some would get offended by these here is todays
Elder's Meditation of the Day - May 31
"Sell a country? Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the Earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?"
-- Tecumseh, SHAWNEE
The White Man's way is to possess, control, and divide. It has always been difficult for Indian people to understand this. There are certain things we cannot own that must be shared. The Land is one of these things. We need to re-look at what we are doing to the Earth. We are digging in her veins and foolishly diminishing the natural resources. We are not living in balance. We do not own the Earth; the Earth owns us. Today, let us ponder the true relationship between the Earth and ourselves.

Great Spirit, today, let me see the Earth as you would have me see Her.

nannerfunboi 05-31-2011 09:28 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
hope you post more of your insights..thoughts..
life is about constant learning.. at least for me.. offense taken here!!
keep posting man!!!!

cherokee_greg 05-31-2011 09:33 PM

Re: Meditation for the day

Originally Posted by nannerfunboi (Post 164203)
hope you post more of your insights..thoughts..
life is about constant learning.. at least for me.. offense taken here!!
keep posting man!!!!

Wado thank you in Cherokee. I will post them . Mom always tells me stories of the past. Im always asking her questions. The old ones have so much wisdom more than people think.

nannerfunboi 05-31-2011 09:37 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
that is so true.. when i was a kid i was so full of myself...LOL
more than most kids i think..LOL
when i was in college rubbing shoulders with so many other
cultures.. i started to folks are smart..LOL
both my parents are gone now.. but my brother and i talk all the time
of things our parents talked about.. family,growing up during the
depression,making their way thru college,stuff..
i really miss that..
but i have the memories..and i cherish them..
there is so much to be grateful for.. to see and be thankful
life is good..
thanks tons man for your thoughts !!!!!!!

cherokee_greg 05-31-2011 09:49 PM

Re: Meditation for the day

Originally Posted by nannerfunboi (Post 164207)
that is so true.. when i was a kid i was so full of myself...LOL
more than most kids i think..LOL
when i was in college rubbing shoulders with so many other
cultures.. i started to folks are smart..LOL
both my parents are gone now.. but my brother and i talk all the time
of things our parents talked about.. family,growing up during the
depression,making their way thru college,stuff..
i really miss that..
but i have the memories..and i cherish them..
there is so much to be grateful for.. to see and be thankful
life is good..
thanks tons man for your thoughts !!!!!!!

Mom was raised during the depression in Oklahoma. She tells me how her grandfather made moonshine and rode a horse she said he was wild. LOL.

orinoko 06-01-2011 04:51 AM

Re: Meditation for the day

I loved that and yes, you should post more. I am a very 'earthy person' and I am very much into Conservation.

I love talking to old people, who else knows better than we, if not they? The longer they live, the more they have to tell us.

I used to talk to an old lady on my block before I moved, she died just after her 100th birthday. She used to talk to me about how it used to be, her family, her grandchildren etc. I would sit mesmerised by the struggles these old folk faced during the war...ration books etc.

I like 'of the day', some Interesting subjects to be found. Yours is one of them.

Richard 06-01-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Meditation for the day

Originally Posted by cherokee_greg (Post 161933)
The trees in Brazil generate the air in the Untied States. If the trees are cut in Brazil, it affects the air that all people breathe.

To tell peoples of other countries not to cut their trees is hypocrisy. The forests of the eastern U.S. were once solid from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. In California, Oaks and Sycamores were the predominant plant in many areas. Our mountains were full of Cedar: a hundred years ago woodworking and cabinetry were predominate industries in California. To be truly responsible, we should replant what we as a society have taken and set an example for the rest of the world.

cherokee_greg 06-01-2011 08:44 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 1
"You have to have a lot of patience to hear those old people talk, because when they talk, they talk about motivation, the feeling, the unsound that is around the universe. They explain everything to one understanding. They bring it all together, and when they finish, just one word comes out. Just one word. They might talk all day, and just one word comes out."
-- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
We need to be careful about judging the old ones when we talk. At first they may not make sense to us. Maybe we'll say they're old fashioned and don't understand. But the old ones do understand! When they speak, listen very carefully. Often it will take weeks or maybe even years before we understand what they are really saying. This is the way of Wisdom. We need to listen, listen, listen.

Great Spirit, today, open my ears so I can hear the Elders

orinoko 06-01-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Meditation for the day

Originally Posted by Richard (Post 164235)
To tell peoples of other countries not to cut their trees is hypocrisy. The forests of the eastern U.S. were once solid from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. In California, Oaks and Sycamores were the predominant plant in many areas. Our mountains were full of Cedar: a hundred years ago woodworking and cabinetry were predominate industries in California. To be truly responsible, we should replant what we as a society have taken and set an example for the rest of the world.

Yes but Richard some of the hardwood trees logged will take many years to replace whats destoyed for gold.

But can't discuss that here its Greg's Meditate thread.

Do youngsters ever listen to their 'elders' Greg..I never did. Over the years since my parents deaths I have cause to rememeber somethings they said...most of them 'not to do something'.


cherokee_greg 06-02-2011 08:51 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 2
"The Natural Law is the final and absolute authority governing E Te No Ha, the earth we call our Mother."
-- Traditional Circle of Elders
There is no power greater than the Natural Laws. These powers were set up by the Great Spirit in such a way that the human being has no access to it, except by obeying. If we choose not to follow the Natural Laws, our live will be filled with confusion, tension, anxiety and stress. If we poison the Earth, we poison ourselves. If we poison the Water of the Earth, we poison ourselves. As we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves and our children, even the children unborn. May we think about this today and ask ourselves, "Are we holding and acting toward the Mother Earth in a good way?"

Great Spirit, teach me the Natural Laws that govern the Earth.

cherokee_greg 06-03-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 3
"IN THE BEGINNING were the Instructions... The Instruction was to live in a good way and be respectful to everybody and everything."
-- Vickie Downey, TEWA/Tesuque Pueblo
A long time ago, in the beginning, the Creator gave to all people and to all things the Wisdom and the knowledge of how to live in harmony. Some tribes call these teachings the original Instructions, the original teachings, or the Great Laws. All of Nature still lives and survives according to these teachings. In modern times, human beings are searching for the Instructions. Many churches claim they have these Instructions. Where are these teachings? The Instructions are written in our hearts.

Great Spirit, today, whisper to me the secrets of the original Instructions

The Hollyberry Lady 06-03-2011 10:32 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
What a fantastic thread, Greg!!! :waving:

I sure enjoyed reading all your daily affirmations and hope to read more...

: )

cherokee_greg 06-03-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
[quote=The Hollyberry Lady;164360][color="DarkOrchid"][b]What a fantastic thread, Greg!!! :waving:

I sure enjoyed reading all your daily affirmations and hope to read more...

Nice video thanks Im happy you like the meditations. Well I better go going to chemo Ya its Friday. Short day at chemo.

Jananas Bananas 06-03-2011 10:21 PM

Re: Meditation for the day
Greg look at this!

Powerful, rare symbol to American Indians: A white buffalo is born in North Texas | Austin

Thought you might like to see it.


cherokee_greg 06-04-2011 08:59 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 4
"Wakan Tanka never stops creating."
-- Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA
The Medicine Wheel teaches about change. It says that which is created will fall apart; that which is loose, will be used to create new. In other words, everything on Earth is participating in a constant change that is being directed by an order of laws and principles which were originated by the Great Spirit. We humans are equipped with natural change abilities. We have the ability to vision; we can use imagination and imagery; we can change belief, attitude, habits, and expectations. We need to know ourselves and we need to know how we work inside to enable us to change naturally.

Great Spirit, teach me to change in harmony

cherokee_greg 06-05-2011 10:55 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 5
"It is not through the great skill of the hunter himself that success is achieved, but through the hunter's awareness of his place in Creation and his relationship to all things."
-- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
If only the human being could understand the power of proper relationships, the need for power and control could be abandoned. It's not what is going on that matters, but how we look at what is going on. It's our relationship to it that counts. Nothing in the world has any meaning except the meaning we give to it. To be more effective at this, we need to consider our relationship with the Creator. Our relationship to the Great Spirit determines how we will perceive the meanings we put to places, people, institutions, and things. We need to let the Creator tell us and guide our thoughts about these relationships. Any relationship that we have that is causing problems means we need to pray for a new point of view.

Creator, let me see the world and the people through your eyes.

cherokee_greg 06-06-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Meditation for the day
Elder's Meditation of the Day - June 6
"We need to save those Elders who cannot speak for themselves -- the trees."
-- Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
The trees are the Elders of the Earth. Go to the forest or to the mountains and find a young tree. Then find an old tree. Spend time with each. Sit by the young tree and listen to your thoughts. Then move to an old tree and listen to your thoughts again. Just being in the presence of an old tree, you will feel more calm. Your thoughts will contain wisdom and your answers will be deeper. Why is this so? These old trees know more, have heard more, and are the Elders of the Earth. We must ensure these trees live so we can learn from them.

My Creator, help me to protect the trees and listen to them.

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