Registered: July 2008 Location: Southern ON Posts: 1874
Tue December 16, 2008 7:31am
What type is it?
------------------------------ Matt
Registered: September 2008 Location: SAUNEMIN ILLINOIS Posts: 588
Tue December 16, 2008 8:27am
It is a Praying Hands i recieved it last April at 15 inches tall!
I am Serial about Growing
Registered: October 2008 Location: Kentucky Posts: 250
Tue December 16, 2008 12:33pm
Wow!! What would I do if it was me, more than likely toss it out. However, you sound attached, so we will try to help. First thing you do is, take the plant outside get a plastic bag, pull plant out, dump the dirt, shake all the dirt from the roots, use water if you must, but get all the dirt off the plant. Cut P-stem off near corm, toss it out{p-stem} with dirt in a sealed garbage bag.
Wash and sterilize the planter, scrub and submerse in water, hot water. Spray,scrub any areas that have hiding place on the planter.
Vacuum floors and carpets where the plant was near, walls etc.
Next, fill bathtub up with luke warm water, submerge entire plant in water, holding enter plant under water for about 10 minutes, drain water, spray off plant, fill tub back up again, submerge again 1o minutes.
Get some fresh soil, you know the perlite, non compacting soil. The more money you spend the better, the best soil you can get. You want it to be well draining, with lots of nutrients.
Get corm out of tub, let dry, put corm into fresh soil, dry, do not water, put moist cloth on top of planter, completely cover top of planter. Cloth should not touch dirt, use mister to lightly mist the cloth daily.Keep in dark cool room. The moisture will keep soil at optimal moisture until spring arrives and then water and warmth to set the corm to active stage.
Do not plant to deep, the corm should rest about a inch under the soil.
------------------------------ Tropical Fog
Registered: September 2008 Location: SAUNEMIN ILLINOIS Posts: 588
Tue December 16, 2008 5:23pm
OK now you are much more advanced then me but what is the corm? Also what is Perlite? I just re-potted it in Miracle Grow a couple months ago!
Tog Tan
Ensete nut
Registered: July 2008 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Posts: 1757
Wed December 17, 2008 3:00am
Let me add my bit here. The corm is the base of the plant and you can get perlite at most places which sell horticulture sundries.
Coming to your plant, as long as it is not a bacterial or fungal rot, you have little to worry about. Even if it rots from the top, it will stop at the base if your corm is healthy. Then we have to wait for life to start all over again with the corm generating a new growth or pup. From your pix, the plant seem to suffering from some superficial stress, like some chemical burn. It still looks good with the new shoot.
Don't give up, I am sure it will pull through.
------------------------------ :bananaflipflop:
Tog Tan has sadly suddenly passed away 6/16/09. We will miss you Tog Tan.