Registered: July 2014 Location: Central Vancouver Island, BC Canada Posts: 1085
Sat July 29, 2023 10:21pm
Wow, that plant looks amazing, nicely done. Have you done anything differently to it this year? How tall would you say the top of the tallest p-stem is? And the top of the tallest leaf? It also looks like its spreading a bit? Or is that another plant off to the right?
------------------------------ Who keeps calling me nuts??
Registered: May 2022 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada Posts: 29
Sat July 29, 2023 11:03pm
Hi! I just figured out how to post here, finally.
This is its 4th summer in this spot, so it's been getting beefier every year, but this year I've definitely fertilized it more aggressively. (Though I think it has a deficiency now - maybe sulfur, will post about it soon) This year I've planted 4 more bananas in this bed, and some can be seen in this photo (2 to the left, 2 to the right). The one you're seeing on the right is Musa 'Hazaray', and at the leftmost corner of this bed is Musa itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis (Mekong Giant).
I'll measure and report back on the heights, but the tallest p-stem is almost at the gutter line now, and the tallest leaf is past the upstairs balcony railing!! I'd say the p-stem is the same height it was at the end of last season, so I'm exited to see how much more growth it pumps out by the end of the season this year!
Registered: July 2014 Location: Central Vancouver Island, BC Canada Posts: 1085
Sun July 30, 2023 12:08am
Nice - Have you been able to protect the height of the any of the p-stems over winter? If so, you may very well be getting a flower soon. And how did you come by the MG? I haven't found a commercial source in Canada yet. It will be interesting to watch that one as it is likely to spread around a bit. I haven't heard of 'Hazaray,' I'll have to look into it a bit. Your banana 'plantation' looks great, keep it up:)
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Registered: May 2022 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada Posts: 29
Now that I can post photos, I'm going to make a post with more details about my plants and where they came from. But for now; the height of the p-stem is 82", and top of leaf is 12'!
Registered: July 2014 Location: Central Vancouver Island, BC Canada Posts: 1085
Excellent, I look forward to it. Nice size on those plants.
------------------------------ Who keeps calling me nuts??