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View Profile: Magilla Gorilla
Magilla Gorilla
Last Activity: 06-29-2017 01:28 AM
Forum Info
Contact Info
Magilla Gorilla's Latest Photo Gallery Uploads
Feedback Score: 1
Positive Feedback: 100%
BananaBucks / BananaBucks Shop Information
Points: 212.00
Bank: 0
Total Points: 212.00
Additional Information
Group Memberships
Biography :
I love bananas and tropical plants!
Location :
Holualoa, HI
Interests :
Showing cars and tropical gardening
Occupation :
Financial Planner
Zone :
Name :
Banana species and cultivars grown? :
1. AeAe
2. Monzano
3. Double Mahoi
4. Brazilian
5. Dwarf Brazilian
6. Bordelon
7. Ice Cream
8. Super Dwarf Cavendish
9. Red Iholena
10. White Iholene
11. Dwarf Red
12. Williams Hybrid
13. Dwarf Orinoco
14. Truly Tiny
15. Chinese Yellow
16. Siam Ruby
17. Zebrina
18. Ensete Abyssian (Died)
19. Ensete Maureli
20. Musa Tanna variegated Thai
21. Black Thai
22. Jamaican Red
23. Rajapuri
24. Dwarf Namwah
25. Nang Phaya
26. FHIA 3640
27. Glui Kai
28. Dwarf Red Green
29. Musa Ornata Lavender
30. Musa Velutina Pink
31. Musa Ornata red (died)
32. Ele Ele
33. Hua Moa
34. Haa Haa
35. Burmese Blue
36. Popoulu
37. Kaulau
38. Musa Coccinea (died)
39. Musa Margarita
40. Mysore
41. Kru
42. Gran Nain
43. Musa banksii (died)
44. Musa Paradisiaca
45. Misi Luki
46. Dwarf Ladyfinger
47. Ladyfinger
48. Pisang Klotek
49. Pisang Raja
50. Praying Hands
51. Saba
52. Basjoo
53. Monkey Fingers
54. Maia Maoli
55. Musa High Color Mini
56. Thousand Fingers
57. Kandarian
58. Balbasian
59. Cardaba
60. Variegated Namwah
61. Yangambi KM5
62. Gros Michel
63. Maui unknown variety
64. African Rhinohorn
65. Dw. Puerto Rican Plantain
66. Pisang Jari
67. Indian variety from Harvey
68. Mona Lisa
69. Ebun Musak
70. Dwarf Niņo
71. Variegated Ice Cream
72. Seņorita
73. Tuu Gia
74. Dwarf Iholena
75. Popoulu Red
76. Mai'a Hapai
77. Sucrier
78. Raja ?
79. Maia Popoulu
80. Fe'i Maia Pola Pola
81. Monthan
82. Golden Pillow
83. Pitago
84. Enanao Gigante
85. Dwarf Chinese
86. Orinoco
87. Dwarf Apple
88. Unknown called Wok
89. Giant plantain (Lowes)
90. Veinte Cohol
Banana want list
1. Dwarf Namwah Pearl
2. Nino Tall
3. Chini Champa
4. Kofi
5. Red Kru
6. French Horn
7. FHIA 21
9. Anything variegated
10. More Hawaiian varieties
Also over 400 tropical varieties of really cool plants!
Magilla Gorilla is not a member of any public groups
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