Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-31-2020, 05:26 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 801
August Arrival: AeAe!
From Greenie :bananas_b
So so happy and greatful to have this gal! :)
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-28-2020, 12:09 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 944
Re: Letting Bananas Grow into Stand
The concept of heavy sucker pruning is only normally relevant to commercial production. For a home gardener, you can do whatever you want, and all things being equal (provided ample fertilizer and...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-27-2020, 07:05 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 3,186
Re: I pulled out my Manzano.
Better in growth habit? More vigorous? Then I would agree.
Everyone has a different taste. I like sub acid tasting bananas. Manzano should be eaten fully ripe like turning black for it to have its...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-27-2020, 04:15 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 3,186
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-25-2020, 07:13 PM
Replies: 212
Views: 14,891
Re: My Backyard Nana Plants, 2020
Pisang Ceylon
Dwarf cavendish
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-25-2020, 12:24 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 1,785
Re: My Backyard Banana Progress!!
Just wanted to post a update on some of my bananas :08:
Here is my Super Dwarf Cavendish! It's become one of my favorite plants!
It's been doing amazing in this big pot and it just put out its first...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-20-2020, 04:39 PM
Replies: 212
Views: 14,891
Re: My Backyard Nana Plants, 2020
Update! :woohoonaner:
Okay, this is my third time writing this :ha: it deleted the second time when I was explaining that it deleted the first time....... sooooo :ha: lol :ha:
Tall Namwa opened...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
07-22-2020, 02:00 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 1,785
My Backyard Banana Progress!!
This thread will showcase the progress on my backyard banana collection!
Here's what I have in the ground so far...
In this picture Left->Right:
Niño, Dwarf Cavendish, Variegated Florida, Manzano,...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
06-29-2020, 06:15 PM
Replies: 112
Views: 9,356
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
06-12-2020, 05:24 PM
Replies: 112
Views: 9,356
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
04-22-2020, 11:44 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,190
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
04-13-2020, 09:34 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 5,203
Re: Blue Java!!!
Update: April 13, 2020
There were a total of six hands but since i only had one decent leaf I pruned off five leaving me with one hand to hopefully make it to maturity so that I can taste the fruit....
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
04-08-2020, 04:03 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 623
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
04-05-2020, 12:33 PM
Replies: 212
Views: 14,891
My Backyard Nana Plants, 2020
Hello everyone, I have been wanting to make a constant-update type thread for awhile now, so here it is!
Just planted another section in my yard. Front to back: Raja puri, dwarf red?, dwarf...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
04-01-2020, 08:22 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 623
Is my Banana Tree Blooming?
I bought this banana plant from someone here last year. I’m in Pensacola Florida.
I thought it froze but I guess not. Now I’m seeing this. Not sure what it’s called.
Can someone tell me if it’s...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
11-12-2019, 07:13 PM
Replies: 166
Views: 26,409
Re: Ae Ae propagation project
Its been a long time since i posted but wanted to share some pictures of today when I cut the Ae Ae bunch.
The Ae Ae strain remains strong! only fertilized a couple of times during its time and very...
Forum: Banana Identification
10-16-2019, 09:50 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 2,755
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
10-04-2019, 06:10 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 2,475
Aeae and florida planted
I did my best to find some shade for them. Its not ideal, they are going to get a lot of mid day sun planted between some avocado trees. Its really hot and dry here... ...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
09-22-2019, 07:27 PM
Replies: 64
Views: 6,113
Re: 2019 Banana Patch: Pensacola, Florida
Hello Mari!
I fertilize monthly using urea for nitrogen and potassium sulfate or muriate of potash for potassium. I apply postassium sulfate during the first half of the season and then switch to...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
09-05-2019, 05:42 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,146
First Flower - Dwarf Brazilian (Sept 2019)
Came back from a long Labor Day weekend out of town to a great surprise - one of our dwarf Brazilian bananas has flowered!
Dwarf Brazilian 2 'Kevin'
Source: merce3
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
08-25-2019, 09:50 AM
Replies: 64
Views: 6,113
Re: 2019 Banana Patch: Pensacola, Florida
Small three hand namwa bunch at my Mother's house that's almost ready to be harvested. Very low maintenace. No fertilizer, no watering, and no winter protection. The plant's pstem is probably about...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
07-28-2019, 05:17 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 6,113
Re: Apple or iceceam?
As you refer to Hawaiian Apple is what it's call Musa Brazilian.....There is two Musa Brazilian Varieties.....Musa Dwarf Brazilian has persistent male flowers and bracts for a "dirty/messy" look...
Forum: Main Banana Discussion
07-24-2019, 10:55 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 6,113
Re: Apple or iceceam?
Hello all!!! Here is the update. BTW, the bananas on the first hand are 4 inches long. The ones in the second hand are 3 1/2 inches long. And the rest are 3 inches long.