Musa Hapai
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Cultivar Name
musa 'hapai'
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'Hapai' means 'pregnant. It is one of the most interesting of the native bananas in its growth. Its bunches matures within the trunk at about two thirds of the distance up from the ground. Ripeness of the bunch is either detected by swarming of fruit flies around the swollen trunk or by crawling ants. Then the trunk is opened and the little fruits, only about as long as a finger, ten or fewer, are pulled out. The stem on wich the fruit are arranged in small hands grows upright. The ripe skin and flesh are yellow and quite sweet when raw. The plant is of medium height. 'hapai' means 'pregnant' and describes the appearance of the trunk. It is also called 'huawaena' wich means 'fruit in the center'. Related to the sucrier/pisang mas.
- Genetic Group -
- Date realized in trade -
- Time To Bloom -
- Time To Harvest -
- Mature Height -
- Survival Zone -
- Fruiting Zone -
- Cold Hardiness -
- Wind -
- Sun -
- Taste Description -
- Personal Notes -
- Growth tips -
Known Afflictions
- Pests -
- Susceptible Diseases -
- Resistant Diseases -
Research Notes
- Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
- Typical Price Range -
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources