Musa Kahiki
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Contents |
Cultivar Name
Musa 'kahiki'
no picture
"Foreign" - or perhaps "Tahiti" - is rarely cultivated now but grows wild in abundance on Maui. It has been seen on Maui at Hana, Kipahulu, and Kahakuloa. Kamakau, who was an Oahuan, mentiones its name, but Mrs. Pukui never heard of it on Hawaii. The fruit is long, skin ripens yellow, meat white and edible cooked but not raw. It grows tall. Kahiki hae was described on Maui as similar, but short. Kahiki mauki was observed on Maui. Fruit looks like Kahiki, midrib of leaf green and rim red, petiole green with very slight pink edges, edge of channel red, trunk tall and green.
- Genetic Group -
- Date realized in trade -
- Time To Bloom -
- Time To Harvest -
- Mature Height -
- Survival Zone -
- Fruiting Zone -
- Cold Hardiness -
- Wind -
- Sun -
- Taste Description -
- Personal Notes -
- Growth tips -
Known Afflictions
- Pests -
- Susceptible Diseases -
- Resistant Diseases -
Research Notes
- Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
- Typical Price Range -
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources