Musa Balbisiana
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Species Name
Musa balbisiana
Pisang Klutuk Wulung, Ito-Basho
(credit the flying dutchman)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Dombo)
(credit Dombo)
(credit Dombo)
(credit Dombo)
M. balbisiana is a suckering banana that can reach up to 20 feet in height. It has large spreading oblong leaves. Stems are strong and sturdy and form huge clumps where grown. Drooping spikes are produced almost throughout the year as stems in a clump mature. The fruits are bluish green and eventually develop yellow skin when mature. Ripe fruits have little pulp but numerous small seeds, characterized by a rough, warty seed coat. Ripe fruits on the plant attract birds, bats and other nocturnal visitors.
- Genetic Group -
Eumusa, 2n=22
India, China, Burma, wide range east to Papua New Guinea
- Date realized in trade -
The ripe seeds ground and eaten have been used for curing dysentery, diarrhea and sore throat. Leaves used for serving food in religious and other festivals and feasts. Male flowers boiled and made into salads and curries. Sheaths make a rope and young new shoots chopped and cooked for cattle fodder.
- Time To Bloom -
- Time To Harvest -
- Mature Height - 16-20'
- Survival Zone - Zone 9
- Fruiting Zone -
- Cold Hardiness -
- Wind - Wind tolerant
- Sun - Full sun to no less than 30% shade. Foliage growers should use 30%-60% shade.
- Taste Description -
- Personal Notes -
- Growth tips -
Known Afflictions
- Pests - Borers, grasshoppers, and root nematodes
- Susceptible Diseases - Panama disease and Black Sigatoka
- Resistant Diseases -
Research Notes
- Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
- Typical Price Range -
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources