Musa FHIA-21
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Cultivar Name
(credit PR-Giants)
'FHIA-21' is a French plantain-type hybrid produced by the breeding program of the Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) in 1987. It was bred to be high yielding and resistant to black leaf streak.
- Genetic Group -
- Date realized in trade -
'FHIA-21' fruit is usually consumed green; it is boiled or processed into chips[1]. When ripe, it is fried or baked. When over-ripe, it is used for making marmalade and liqueurs. Its acceptance for specialty recipes and by the chips processing industry has been favorable based on its texture, color, taste and the fact that it absorbs less oil and remains crisp longer at ambient conditions.
Being 30-40% cheaper, FHIA-21 is primarily bought by poorer consumers and those who have learned to appreciate its softness and shorter cooking time for preparing mashed green plantain.
- Time To Bloom -
- Time To Harvest -
- Mature Height -
- Survival Zone -
- Fruiting Zone -
- Cold Hardiness -
- Wind -
- Sun -
- Taste Description -
- Personal Notes -
- Growth tips -
Known Afflictions
- Pests -
- Susceptible Diseases -
- Resistant Diseases -
Research Notes
- Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
- Typical Price Range -
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources