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Cold Hardy Bananas This forum is dedicated to the discussion of bananas that are able to grow and thrive in cold areas. You'll find lots of tips and discussions about keeping your bananas over the winter.

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Old 10-01-2008, 02:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Flag leaf on my basjoo

Unfortunately I'm in zone 7 and it's Oct 1, so there's no hope for that one.

I did get another one to flower this past July so at least I enjoyed that one.
(I'll try to post a pic of that flower which has a couple of bananas, I've really enjoyed watching it all summer.)

I have a question, how should I treat the pstem of the mat that has the flag leaf. Should I cut the pstem down to 4' (that's about the size of the cage I made last year) which is below the flag leaf, or should I cut it to ground level so it can put it's energy into next year's plant?

Thanks to all, for all the information I've learned on this site.


PS If anyone has any crazy ideas so that I can save the flower let me know. I dont have a greenhouse, and it stands about 12' high.
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Flag leaf on my basjoo

I'd say make your mat height the same as you have before. Either way the flowering stem will die off now and next year pups will replace it.

I know I'm a full zone lower than you, but I actually don't protect my basjoo at all, and it hardly has any p-stem loss. I would think with a good mulch you could keep most of your existing p-stems on your mat. Use the leaves once the first frost hits them to surround the trunk and protect it. Then, use your 4-foot cage to protect the core of the p-stems lower down. Worse case you have 4-footers next spring. Best case, you cut a few inches off the top after the threat of the last frost in the spring and have much taller bananas to start with.
Malama 'Aina

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