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Cold Hardy Bananas This forum is dedicated to the discussion of bananas that are able to grow and thrive in cold areas. You'll find lots of tips and discussions about keeping your bananas over the winter.

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Old 05-07-2016, 01:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Success! Well, sort of...

After my first over winter with banana plants, I managed to lose two plants (both grown indoors, attacked by bugs and then rotted) but two plants did survive. Additionally, the Basjoo that I left in the ground without protection did die, but I believe it is sending up two pups. One of them I am pretty certain is a pup and the other I am not so sure.
Pretty certain this is a Basjoo pup

Is this a pup?

The least successful of the survivors

The most successful

Is it too early to start fertilizing the larger ones?

Should I put the ones that rotted outside and try watering them or consider them a lost cause?
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Old 05-07-2016, 03:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Success! Well, sort of...

Congrats! The one for sure is a basjoo pup, I found one too that looks exactly the same. Maybe the other one, a week or so and you should be able to tell. I wouldn't fertilize anything until you maybe get one more big leaf that fully opens, but I'm no expert. I would also put the ones you think are rotted outside, you never know. I have many that look dead, but I'm not giving up yet, just in case. LOL

Good luck!
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