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Old 08-18-2014, 09:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Joy Anti-itch Properties of Bananas

I am well aware of the magic held within the magical fruit we all love, and among its vast sources of mysticism, its peel has the uncanny ability to relieve itching, however intense. I have read by many accounts that this is the case, but have not determined why this is. Please, someone explain this magical and wonderful property of banana peels!
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Old 08-18-2014, 08:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Anti-itch Properties of Bananas

Hi Gnocchi,

I found that assertion very intriguing. I grew up in Germany, where that stuff, that insects of
all kinds inject into you, is called ‘Ameisensaeure’ (acid of ants). Thus I came a couple of
decades ago on the idea of rubbing soap on the itches, to neutralize the acid with the caustic
soap. It worked like a charm, providing you have some soap, which has in the dish dissolved
into a nice paste. Smear it on, and in 20 minutes the itch is history.

We take on all our trips, mostly into developing countries, Ivory Soap bars, which have no
perfume and work also well to quickly wash out a piece of clothing.

Now fast forward to your post: Bananas are actually more acidic than their taste would
suggest and accordingly the peel is certainly not caustic, as is my soap.

The answer appears to lie in the fact, that as the below quotation suggests, the sugars
draw out liquids, in this case the acid, instead of neutralizing it. Would a dap
of honey or icing sugar paste work the same or better?

Quotes from: Natural Mosquito Bite Remedies | POPSUGAR Fitness
- Banana peel: Don't knock it till you try it! The sugars from the peel may
help draw fluid out of the bite, so try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on
the area.

- Baking soda and witch hazel: For an inexpensive anti-itch remedy, make a
thick paste with these two ingredients and apply it to your bites for 15 minutes.
Baking soda contains an alkaline compound that may help neutralize the pH of
your skin, which can help ease inflammation. If you don't have witch hazel,
use water instead. Unquote

Baking soda is again caustic, just like “my” soap and will neutralize the acid.

As a foot note: Make sure, that the soap, you use, is not perfumed, as the
perfume will just attract more bugs to bite you.
And: Liquid hand soap does not seem to be as effective as paste from a soap

The reason I joined this forum was to share experiences,
my own and those of others and to learn from them.

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