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Old 09-01-2015, 06:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

I'm always hesitant about posting pics before I'm sure a plant, or in this case Corms, will establish themselves...i finally feel confident these Manini (Hawaiian AeAe's) will do well...this is less than a full month after i planted the bare corms...i think they will like it here in Fort Lauderdale

Thanks Keith...these are great specimens!

Fort Lauderdale,Florida
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Old 09-01-2015, 10:03 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

I'm pretty sure those are Namwah.

Just kidding!
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Old 09-02-2015, 05:39 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

You're somewhat correct..the plants to the right are variegated Namwha's
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Old 09-02-2015, 08:12 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Your Maninis look great!

I think you inspected your corms after about 7 days and the pics looked beautiful. Everything was progressing normally, so it's hard to believe you lacked any confidence. You did everything in a professional manner and got the expected results.

One of the best parts of starting with a bare corm is you know exactly what you're getting. You can immediately see if you got quality or crap, plus you can inspect it while it's rooting which eliminates the wondering & hoping. When starting with a potted Manini you're left wondering about the quality of the corm and hoping it's not rotting.

Last year was a difficult time for A'ea'e growers on the org, but this year's Manini growers made it seem simple.

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Old 09-02-2015, 09:14 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Im so tempted to try one but with my climate.....
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Old 09-02-2015, 05:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by benbaron View Post
Im so tempted to try one but with my climate.....
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Old 09-03-2015, 02:57 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Old 09-03-2015, 06:45 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by benbaron View Post
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Old 09-04-2015, 02:50 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

I have a list of people locally asking to buy them from me for $100. From what I understand that's actually a bargain for what they could be sold for on the mainland. So if someone is shipping them to the mainland for that little, that's a great deal.
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Old 09-04-2015, 07:02 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

How "puppy" are these manini? In comparison with basjoo?
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Old 09-04-2015, 05:06 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Talking Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by robguz24 View Post
I have a list of people locally asking to buy them from me for $100. From what I understand that's actually a bargain for what they could be sold for on the mainland. So if someone is shipping them to the mainland for that little, that's a great deal.
I thought they'd be a $5 plant in Hawaii.....oops

Ae Ae Banana for sale

Originally Posted by Richard View Post
Not to mention steep pricing. That's a bubble that needs bursting. Maybe next year I'll start offering them at $40 each on my web site.
Originally Posted by planetrj View Post
See, the thing is, I can completely understand pricing on a plant that is truly "rare", but I have 2 issues with this plant (sort of like Siam Ruby) when you go to certain places in Hawaii and you see them growing by the grove and sell for $10 each like it's no big deal, ya gotta think.. is this really such a big deal?
Originally Posted by harveyc View Post
I have a friend that operates a nursery near Hilo who once said he could get Ae Ae easy for $10 but another friend in Kona that said they get snatched up quickly when offered for $50 and that they were scarce. The Hilo friend later said that our Mainland crazy had apparently dried up supplies and he doesn't see any around now. When Andrew when to Hawaii earlier this year he didn't find any at the nurseries he visited. Richard, have you actually confirmed that a wholesale source has the sort of quantities of Ae Ae that you are mentioning? It just doesn't agree with what others have told me.
Originally Posted by Richard View Post
The basic story is that if you work with a wholesale nursery in Hawaii or similar, the Ae Ae's are shipped 120 to 190 per pallet depending on the source. The shipping works out to $1 or $2 per plant. If the source nursery has a standard U.S. nursery stock certificate and the shipping destination is in the U.S., then there is no need to pay for a phyto-certificate. The wholesale cost of the plants is currently under $20 each. It would be easy to flood the market with inexpensive Ae Ae's, and anyone here who sells plants is welcome to give it a try. The odds are better than blackjack.

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Old 09-06-2015, 05:52 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by PR-Giants View Post
I thought they'd be a $5 plant in Hawaii.....oops

Ae Ae Banana for sale
Back in the day I scoured Oahu, The Big Island, Kauai and Maui looking for a grove of Ae Ae' no avail.

Then I moved on to Moorea and Tahiti looking for Fehi....

One is best served to read the entire post:
Ae Ae Banana for sale

I need to repost the pictures:

Originally Posted by Rmplmnz View Post
I have seen many posts over the years predicting a precipitous drop in Ae Ae prices, personally I do not see this happening anytime soon. Some of the posts compare Ae Ae’s to Musella Lasiocarpa or Basjoo. This plant is different than Basjoo, Siam Ruby or Musella lasiocarpa, all of which have sold for very high price at one time or another, in that it has maintained this rarity and been priced very high (in relation to other bananas at the time) for over 25 years (to my recollection...most likely longer as this is when it first appeared on my radar).

Some posts have stated that there are groves of these bananas in Hawaii and that they are available for $10.

I have been to many of the large public gardens and many smaller gardens in Hawaii and the only garden I saw Ae Ae’s at was Waimea Falls on the North Shore of Hawaii and they were in a secured area behind a fence.

Where in Hawaii are there groves of this plant?

If I ever see a grove of Ae Ae's I am taking a picture so fast...

What nursery sells them for $10??

Post from 2007:
ae ae banana arrived

This banana is rare even in Hawaii.

This is evidenced by the fact that someone broke in to the Maui Nui Botanical Garden and stole some of them:

Rare Hawaiian banana plants stolen from garden
By LILA FUJIMOTO, Staff Writer
POSTED: September 13, 2006

KAHULUI – After losing about $1,000 in landscaping tools and supplies during break-ins over the Labor Day weekend, Maui Nui Botanical Gardens was hoping Tuesday to get back a half-dozen rare native Hawaiian banana plants.

The keiki plants of the manini variety, which has green-and-white striped leaves and fruit, were dug up from the garden at Keopuolani Park during the first break-in on Sept. 4, said Executive Director Lisa Schattenburg-Raymond.

After spreading the word about the thefts, she said she learned Tuesday that someone had sold similar plants to a local business. She spoke with a Maui police officer who planned to investigate further and recover the plants Tuesday afternoon.

“They are just so ornamental. People just go crazy over it,” Schattenburg-Raymond said. “They are the Hawaiian variety, which makes it even more interesting. It was reserved for alii.

The garden had offered limited quantities of the banana plants for sale for the past three years, Schattenburg-Raymond said. She estimated the thefts had set back the sale production for two years.

The plants are difficult to grow, with some plants not surviving and others turning albino or all green, she said.

“What we’re trying to do is preserve these rare Hawaiian plants,” she said. “Even though we’re trying to make these available, people are stealing them.”

Because the rare and valuable banana variety was targeted, along with hand tools and pesticides, Schattenburg-Raymond said she suspects the thief was someone familiar with the garden and involved in the landscaping industry.

Also taken during the first break-in were five 70-pound bales of Sunshine No. 4 potting mix, some large pots and a large container of Roundup herbicide.

The following night, thieves broke through the doors of the garden pesticide shed and the tool shed, damaging the security gates, and stealing herbicide and pesticides, a drill, a new LL Bean camouflage wind-up radio and a wagon. An alarm at the gardens went off at 3 a.m.

Some of the stolen items were found in the wagon in bushes near Keopuolani Park and the Maui Arts & Cultural Center the next day, Schattenburg-Raymond said.

She said she has heard about other thefts of plants taken from homeowners as well as businesses.

Anyone with information on the break-ins and thefts is asked to call Maui Nui Botanical Gardens at 249-2798 or Maui police at 244-6400.

Lila Fujimoto can be reached at

Rare Hawaiian banana plants stolen from garden - | News, Sports, Jobs, Visitor's Information - The Maui News

The nurseries that grow these bananas know the value.

I have contacted several Hawaiian nurseries that advertise them ($125 to $175 over the last 20 years and they rarely if ever have stock and when they put me on the wait list I never heard from them again. In 1994 I purchase an Ae Ae ($150 or so..can’t quite recall) from Pacific Tree Farm just outside of San Diego (it met a dire end from my dog). In 1995 I purchased an Ae Ae from Gong Bananas ($150 or so can’t quite recall). At the time they had a nice planting in a raised bed; they have since removed the Ae Ae from their catalog and reduced their planting to one large matte. In speaking with Don Chafin he has said that they are just too difficult to grow and that many of the pups turned green. Don actually gave me a green Ae Ae that I potted up and amazingly it went variegated. In 1998 I made a trip to San Diego and visited the only two nurseries that I knew of that currently or had stocked Ae Ae, Pacific Tree Farm and Exotica. All of the Pacific Tree Farm’s bananas were in pots, they had just one Ae Ae matte growing in a single pot. The person I spoke with said that they did better in the pots due to the poor drainage of the soil where the nursery was located (California clay). Exotica did not have any Ae Ae’s. Yes I know this was a loooonnng time ago and there are other Southern California nurseries that offer them (kudos to Andrew for his awesome fund!); they are just not commonly for sale at nurseries (California, Hawaii or Florida).

Going Bananas Ae Ae matte (April 2008).


Going Bananas Raised Ae Ae bed (Fall 1994)

My first Ae Ae pup

Going Bananas Homestead, FL Fall 1994
Going Bananas had a raised bed with Ae Ae's. They actually still had them in their catalog with a manageable wait list (about a tenth of the size of today's Viente Cohol list). Each pup was labeled with nursery tape with the future owner's name on it.

Ironically all of the Ae Ae’s I have purchased (three) died. I have had the most success with the two that were given to me. The green one Don gave me eventually died (it made it through several generations over six years the last plant had bananas and no pups). The one I am currently growing I need to return a pup (or two/three) to the member that passed it on to me and hopefully one day participate in the expansion of the plant within board membership.

I hope the board members’ successes continue (come on Richard and JNS!!) and that every board member that wants to grow one has the opportunity to. I just do not see this banana becoming readily available in large quantities (at any price) anytime soon.

Thanks to all the great tips (Richard, Nanaman, JNS and others) that I have recently read on the board I am hoping to improve my plants and expand the planting of this great plant.
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Old 09-06-2015, 06:06 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Groves of them here, lol!

I've probably seen a dozen in 8 years and only for sale twice, once with a single plant that I bought. Some of the Hawaiian-centric botanical gardens have some growing. Given how common they seem to be on the org you're probably more likely to randomly come across one on the mainland than in Hawaii.
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Old 09-06-2015, 09:00 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by robguz24 View Post
Groves of them here, lol!

I've probably seen a dozen in 8 years and only for sale twice, once with a single plant that I bought. Some of the Hawaiian-centric botanical gardens have some growing. Given how common they seem to be on the org you're probably more likely to randomly come across one on the mainland than in Hawaii.
Yep, well said. These bananas are Kapu (reserved for Hawaiian Royalty):-)
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Old 09-06-2015, 09:04 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

It always seems that folks on the org prefer to overlook the obvious. It's just not a good banana, if it was pups would be selling for less than a dollar. Hybrid jumps in and says 'Don told me it was one of his favorites"....or.... Nick saying "hundreds of anonymous people find me on the internet and want to order pallets of them"

If they were a quality fruit, farmers would grow them, consumers would buy them and there would be tons of unwanted pups.

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Old 09-06-2015, 10:05 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by PR-Giants View Post
It always seems that folks on the org prefer to overlook the obvious. It's just not a good banana, if it was pups would be selling for less than a dollar. Hybrid jumps in and says 'Don told me it was one of his favorites"....or.... Nick saying "hundreds of anonymous people find me on the internet and want to order pallets of them"

If they were a quality fruit, farmers would grow them, consumers would buy them and there would be tons of unwanted pups.
And the emperor had no clothes though only a young boy spoke the truth. Pretty leaves are nice if you are just landscaping; unusually marked fruits (read: not just yellow with brown spots) are definitely interesting. If that's all you want, who cares how they taste? I've only been in FL for a couple of years and am already disgusted with supposed nursery professionals who want to sell me ice creams, goldfingers and all the other "have to have Musas" for $$$$ which I know with certainty are absolutely not the real thing. I'll stick with picking up the oddball $5 pups at the flea market or by the side of the road from guys whose 1st language is Spanish and claim these are plants from their home.

Why not? If nothing else they must taste pretty good because these guys are growing them.

When I was collecting ficus, I had one that was grown from seeds saved from a snack on a plane from Germany. If you know anything about figs you will be amazed but, yes, they grew for the magical propagating fairy who introduced me to figs. The lady who sneaked into my city yard to abscond with seeds from my flowers. I caught her one day and we talked; Marguerite and I became friends. She took bushels of apricots from my blasted Manchurian bush even cleaning up the windfalls; she was thrilled to have the laetrile from the pits. At 89 she was in excellent health; her husband at 95 was doing okay, too.
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Old 09-07-2015, 12:23 AM   #17 (permalink)
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I quite enjoy them cooked but ripe they are nothing special. None of the Pacific Plantains are particularly good ripe. For just the fruit, regular Maoli is a better bet.

"Reserved for Hawaiian Royalty" is another lol that is widely repeated but untrue.
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Old 09-07-2015, 08:47 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

If you search Garden Web for AeAe posts there is a comical one from many years ago that says "DO NOT BUY AEAE" soon it will be tissue cultured and you can buy it for $20......Well he was no prophet, thats for sure.....
Fort Lauderdale,Florida
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Old 09-07-2015, 10:12 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Default Re: Manini (AeAe) corms doing great!!

Originally Posted by robguz24 View Post
"Reserved for Hawaiian Royalty" is another lol that is widely repeated but untrue.

This was a pun and a direct quote from William Lessard's (original owner of Going Bananas) book.

It was a joke, hence the smiley face.:-)

The reason these plants are not widely available is that they are not easy to grow. Growers can easily sell them for $175 each. Would you rather spend time on a plant you can sell the pups from for $10 or $175?? I have yet to see one sell for for anything close to a reasonable price for a banana plant.

Who has a source to buy these inexpensively? It is interesting how this topic bubbles up every few years.

Bill Lessard had a pretty good reason (25 years ago) for choosing Ae Ae for the cover of his book.

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Old 09-07-2015, 11:15 AM   #20 (permalink)
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I enjoy reading snippets through the years of your activity here regarding your reminiscences of the Going Bananas of yesteryear. Would you ever consider writing a remembrance of your time spent at Lessard's old grove before the Chapins bought it? Having been too young to have cared about a banana nursery at the time, I'd love to know what it used to be like going there.

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