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Banana Plants For Sale & Auction Whether your looking to sell your banana plants for a fixed price or for auction, you're bound to find a bunch of people who will probably be interested. Please describe what you are selling as best you can, what payment methods you accept, and where you will/will not ship to, as well as if local pickup is welcome or not.

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Old 08-23-2005, 12:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Root Control Bags anyone?

I apologize for the seemingly non-varietal material for sale, but it could be helpful to those growing bananas in marginal climates who often have to dig them out every year.

Root Control Bags may be ideal for those banana growers who are seasonally growing bananas in the ground during the summer and then digging them up before the winter for dormant storage, specifically in the colder northern areas. Root Control bags will ease out the digging part a lot. The other major benefits is that it automatically prunes the roots to be within the bag so that you can have localized application of water and fertilizer. The root control bags have been proven to work with trees, and ideal for those on rental properties as they can easily take out the trees when they leave and replant it together with the bags to whereever they move.

To know more about these bags, click on the links below:

I am about to try these bags myself in the hope that I may be able to fruit the cold sensitive banana types in our zone. Simply pulling these bags out with the banana plant and store them for winter. I am not sure that this will work with bananas because of the pupping tendencies (which you should limit to only 1 pup per mother plant). For sure this has proven to work with stone and pome fruits.

I bought a lot of these bags as you cannot buy retail price, you have to satisfy a minimum order of 50 bags at that time. So I ended up having 50 root control bags and these are the 16" diameter by 12" high (10" recommended fill). They retail for $2.35 each bag with minimum order of 25 bags today plus the minimum shipping which is $23.00 for the 25 bags. I will be using only 10 of these bags, and so am offering you guys to try these out. I will also be selling them to you at same price $2.35 per bag, no minimum order. Typically, 3 bags will fit in the $3.85 priority mail flat rate envelope, and more than that will depend where you are and the actual weights of the bags. I have 40 bags to spare. You can use them for trees and not only bananas. But this will be my first time to try them with banana plants.

So if anybody is interested in trying these out without having to buy 25 bags at a time, just contact me via email or by PM.


Last edited by JoeReal : 08-23-2005 at 12:14 AM.
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