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Banana Seed Germination Forum As one of the toughest seeds in the plant kingdom to figure out the keys to germination success with, this is a forum with banana seed germination tips. Please entitle posts like "Musa balbisiana," or "Musa cheesmani," etc. People would then post a reply under that heading, sharing their germination successes (and failures), what materials and methods they used, germination percentage, etc.

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Old 05-27-2019, 07:15 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Blue Java seeds from China

Like most of you I like to grow things and wanted to grow blue Java’s after reading all the hype. But I’m also “frugal”, ok I’m downright cheap so couldn’t justify spending $35-165 for a plant so I did the next best thing, I went on eBay.

I found a seed distributor in China with very good feedback so ordered 200 Blue Java Icecream banana seeds for next to nothing.(my favorite price). It took a few weeks to arrive but they did and looked like the tiny seeds you would see inside of a banana. Not knowing much about growing bananas from seed I started researching and saw that most purchased seeds looked to be much larger so I became skeptical. I decided to see if they would even germinate so put about 20 on a wet paper towel in a Tupperware container, closed it as set it on a very sunny warm shelf. I checked on them about two weeks later and low and behold some had not only popped but had sunk a root deep into the paper.

Next I decide to put about 100? Into good potting soil, moisten it well and sealed the top with Saran Wrap. Sure enough 1-2 weeks later a bunch are sprouting.

So here are my questions, hat are the chances they will be fruit bearing plants and if so what are the chances they are the same strain as the parent plant, assuming it is blue Java?

Thanks in advance.

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Old 05-27-2019, 07:24 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Blue Java seeds from China

Originally Posted by phmaddnes View Post
Like most of you I like to grow things and wanted to grow blue Java’s after reading all the hype. But I’m also “frugal”, ok I’m downright cheap so couldn’t justify spending $35-165 for a plant so I did the next best thing, I went on eBay.

I found a seed distributor in China with very good feedback so ordered 200 Blue Java Icecream banana seeds for next to nothing.(my favorite price). It took a few weeks to arrive but they did and looked like the tiny seeds you would see inside of a banana. Not knowing much about growing bananas from seed I started researching and saw that most purchased seeds looked to be much larger so I became skeptical. I decided to see if they would even germinate so put about 20 on a wet paper towel in a Tupperware container, closed it as set it on a very sunny warm shelf. I checked on them about two weeks later and low and behold some had not only popped but had sunk a root deep into the paper.

Next I decide to put about 100? Into good potting soil, moisten it well and sealed the top with Saran Wrap. Sure enough 1-2 weeks later a bunch are sprouting.

So here are my questions, hat are the chances they will be fruit bearing plants and if so what are the chances they are the same strain as the parent plant, assuming it is blue Java?

Thanks in advance.
Let us know what kind of a plant these turn out to be. My guess on your chances are zero and zero.
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Old 05-27-2019, 07:59 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Blue Java seeds from China

What!.....Musa Ice Cream Blue Java seeds from China?.......

Also, I agree with Mike (Iowa)!.....Please keep updating to see what they turn out to be.....

Good luck!.....

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Old 05-27-2019, 08:27 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Blue Java seeds from China

I was frugal 2 still got some I will sell real cheap

npk of wood ash 0/1/3 to 0/3/7

npk of banana leaf ash 1.75/0.75/0.5
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Old 05-27-2019, 08:44 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Blue Java seeds from China

How about a photo? Are they actually Musa? If so, will be fun to see what they are :-)
We play a little with seed - this year have about 30 Musa and Ensete going wild. The Ensete I think I can figure out what they are when a little larger, but the Musa?? Here I will rely on the group to help. One, Sikkimensis I figure if it really is I will know next year if it survived the winter in a nice protected area, but the others, help!
I did post a few days ago about 5 varieties we just got, 4 of which not much out there (one was dwarf orinoco which has been discussed in this group as a decent size (manageable) early fruiting type). Cuban red according to Wiki has a zillion synonyms - are they really all the same banana? And how long to fruit? As a Cavendish type does that mean it will have the same fruiting habits as the Cavendish. . .? I have a lot to learn, but with 40 odd plants and 15 or so varieties, need to learn fast!
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