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Container Grown Banana Plants This forum is for discussions about growing banana plants in containers.

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Old 08-20-2009, 02:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default ERG Bloody rotten Bloodleaf

Like the title says I have been having problems with this plant pretty much sense new. Well I purchased this plant back when I registered here=] End of May. It was growing fast and strong at first, showing slight signs of heat damage.
I worked this plant in and out of the sun daily and under protection from rain as well.

Well after a short time it started growing into it's self. Preventing my leafs from un-folding evenly. I have seen a few other with this problem on here and it seemed mostly to be these Bloodleafs. The top of my P-stem looked like it was trying to be a travlers palm. I ended up cutting most leafs off and dropping about 6" in height.(I took the inner most leafs and left the a couple outter.)
Well that was about a week or so ago. These last two/three days has been chilly and rainy here. I have been leaving this plant out in full sun and not caring about the rain.
Today I went out and noticed some rot, and began cutting away.

It looked like it was only the top two or so inches of p-stem affected.
I started lightly peeling and cutting and ended up taking four layer off down most of the plant leaving about 10" at the bottom.

This plant has been nothing but headache for me honestly if It was to die, which it doesn't seem far from I wont be sad.

At least I have a pup which seems to be doing well.
Come growing season '10 this plant will find its home in the ground.

Here are some pics for better explanation.

This pic is the leaf trying to unfold with another leaf growing into it and attached.

Here is what I did today.

I should have taken pictures prior to cutting sadly it looks better now.
The rot was growing from the inside out. Maybe this was from my hacking a little while ago? Leaving all that open cut p-stem eh.

Maybe my initial problem was from not removing the soil/sand they had this potted in when transplanting.

BTW this is in a 5 gallonish or so pot. I checked about a month ago and it was not root bound.
Some stuff to think about.
The first law of thermodynamics, an expression of the principle of conservation of energy, states that energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed.

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Old 08-20-2009, 03:21 PM   #2 (permalink)
Nanner Time!
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Default Re: ERG Bloody rotten Bloodleaf

Yeah, I saw some zebrinas at the MO Botanical Gardens that had the most recent leaf partially curled up with the next leaf pushing up into it. I'm not sure why they do this....guess it's just an inherent issue with that species. Best of luck with yours!
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:19 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: ERG Bloody rotten Bloodleaf

Yeah in seems like maybe it would be. Only keeping one for a few months is no way for me to tell tho.
What part of St. Louis you in? I'm down in west county well over in west county for that matter.
I need to take a trip down the Bo gardens have not been there in many many years sounds like fun!
The first law of thermodynamics, an expression of the principle of conservation of energy, states that energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed.

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Old 08-21-2009, 01:16 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: ERG Bloody rotten Bloodleaf

I live in NoCo in Normandy. I'm an optometry student at UMSL. You should TOTALLY go to the Botanical Gardens. I spent a LONG time there when I went this summer and could have easily spent longer. There are so many wonderful things to see and it's all so beautiful and well-kept! For $4 you really can't go wrong! I highly recommend it!

I will say....they don't have nearly enough bananas. They have a few here and there, but I wanted to see more. I saw several nice mats of large basjoo, a few zebrinas, a couple Ensete Maurelii, 1-2 siam ruby, the Chinese garden had a blooming Musella Lasiocarpa and in the climatron they had Kru, Raja Puri and maybe a few others. Now that I list it all out it doesn't sound that bad, but I still wanted to see more...LOL. You should definitely check it out's the oldest botanical garden in the US and is very beautiful! Go early and stay late!
Feel the beat from start to stop, dancin' and movin' from bottom to top!
RIP Tog Tan. We love you and will always remember you!
I'm Bryan with a Y! There is no 'I' in BRYAN!
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