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Container Grown Banana Plants This forum is for discussions about growing banana plants in containers.

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Old 06-23-2009, 06:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Height and Fruiting

Hello everyone,
I am growing 2 Dwarf Cavendish and a Gran Nain plant. I am leaving them outdoors now, and bringing them into the garage under a 600 Watt Metal Halide/HPS system over the winter.

My primary goal is to get them to fruit. However after much reading I see that the Gran Nain for example can get 6-8 feet tall. I knew of this fact, but didn't get until recently that that height is the P-Stem and not how high the leaves reach. My garage is 10 ft tall, and i know you should keep at least 2-3 feet between the leaves and the light source.

So, I have a few questions. First, if I am growing it primarily for fruit, can I cut the leaves off that extend that high, and if so would that prohibit the plant from fruiting? Second, could I have the light source hanging at an angle, a few feet from the plants? Also, is it more important for the light to be hitting the leaves, or reaching all the way to the soil?

Lastly, so that I do not assume incorrectly, if I am simulating outdoor conditions in regards to light, humidity, and temperature, should I also water and fertilize as such?

Thanks for all of your help. This site has been a lifesaver so far! With the time and money I am spending on this, gotta make sure I do it right, or the wife will really let me have it!

Last edited by buckeye5755 : 06-23-2009 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 06-24-2009, 01:56 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Height and Fruiting

I grew a Ice Cream indoors over winter & YES, if you are simulating outdoor, don't be afraid to fertilize! Indoors, I fert'd every week while it had good growth.
Soil does not need lite - leaves do. Don't cut the leaves -let them grow to the top & fall over. They will absorb the sunlite & it will give nutrition to your plant.
May I ask why you are growing this inside when it is summer? Why not put it inground & then dig it up in fall?
Ooops, I see you only bring it inside for winter.
In winter, I had a hlaogen 500 watt shining strait up at leaves (not down & they stil absorbed the lite & grew well).
Got a lite?

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Old 06-24-2009, 10:16 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Height and Fruiting

Originally Posted by buckeye5755 View Post
Hello everyone,
I am growing 2 Dwarf Cavendish and a Gran Nain plant. I am leaving them outdoors now, and bringing them into the garage under a 600 Watt Metal Halide/HPS system over the winter.

My primary goal is to get them to fruit. However after much reading I see that the Gran Nain for example can get 6-8 feet tall. I knew of this fact, but didn't get until recently that that height is the P-Stem and not how high the leaves reach. My garage is 10 ft tall, and i know you should keep at least 2-3 feet between the leaves and the light source.

So, I have a few questions. First, if I am growing it primarily for fruit, can I cut the leaves off that extend that high, and if so would that prohibit the plant from fruiting? Second, could I have the light source hanging at an angle, a few feet from the plants? Also, is it more important for the light to be hitting the leaves, or reaching all the way to the soil?

Lastly, so that I do not assume incorrectly, if I am simulating outdoor conditions in regards to light, humidity, and temperature, should I also water and fertilize as such?

Thanks for all of your help. This site has been a lifesaver so far! With the time and money I am spending on this, gotta make sure I do it right, or the wife will really let me have it!

i am growing my bananas indoors under 600W HPS as well. they have been growing under these lights for about 2 or 3 weeks. i run them 18 hrs and from what i have seen, they drink a lot and require a lot of fertilizer. i am still worried about overwatering and fertilizer burn, so i am slowly increasing the watering/fertilizing.

as far as the light source, you probably would have to angle them to keep from burning the leaves when the plants get too tall. i will be growing mine permanently indoors but since i just started i dont really know what to expect from the plants in the long run. i am hoping to get them to fruit by running them at 18hrs for several months, then switching to 12hrs to get them to fruit. for now they are growing well.
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Old 06-24-2009, 10:20 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Height and Fruiting

If you want them to fruit, you shouldn't be touching the green (healthy) leaves - good fruit production is dependant upon the number of healthy leaves the plant has. Hawai'i says 10 leaves per plant for optimum bunch production.

Oh, and your GNs could get taller, up to 15' in my experience. Then again, I don't have winter like you do.
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