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Banana Plant Soil, Additives, and Fertilizer This forum is an area where you may discuss the soil to grow banana plants in, as well as soil additives such as teas, composts, manures, fertilizers and related topics.

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Old 08-08-2018, 09:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

This year i made few experiments with stimulators and growing hormones.

1) For the first shot i aimed the Megafol of Valagro company.

a) This magicall elixir ought to protect my plants from stress. This stress might be coused by drought, rapid temperature changes etc. Does it work?
Ive used it few times on my basjoo. They really doesnt like dry days and full sun. Despite the use of the Megafol several times, they still fade.
Ive tested that stuff on Daturas, and they stoped to collapse.
b) All my 5 kinds of bananas loves that stuff. They grows faster. Day after spraing, they are more green.
c) I see there are less spider mates problems this year.
e) Megafol does not damage seedlings, it also does not damage freshly sprouted seeds. I did not notice any influence on seedlings.
f) Ive used it on other garden plants. They are significantly larger than plants which wasnt sprayed.

2) Titanite
Titanium is a naturally occurring element in the soil. The producer declares that we certainly have not enough of this element in the soil. Plants growing in alkaline earth need a lot of titanium. If we supply it to them in the form of a supplement, they will get super power - producer declares also.
Is it true?
a) Tested 3 times (once a month) on few kinds of naners.
The effect is crazy. Plants are far more stronger than were. New leafs looks more hard. The plants stretch out to the sun and abound in the green mass, as if they were about to explode. This stuff is really crazy. Ive used it on my sunflower also, the effect was the same.

3) Asahi sl
sodium para-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.3% (3 g in 1 liter of the product),
sodium ortho-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.2% (2 g in 1 liter of the product),
Sodium 5-nitrogwajacolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.1% (1 g in 1 liter of the agent).
''This stuff is a growth regulator, in liquid form for alternation with water. Asahi SL has an impact on higher yield and quality improvement..''
a) Ive used this stuff on all my naners from seedlings to mature plants.
The plants seems to doesnt like it. They get a strange dark green color after that. They seem to look like they are over-fertilized, not very vital, I do not know how to determine it. In my opinion theres no ''wow'' effect. Asahi killed two seedlings.

Sorry, I wrote this note a bit casually. I will try to expand it when time permits. I hope that someone may find my observations useful, just as yours are useful for me. Best wishes

Last edited by tomekmwa : 08-08-2018 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 08-09-2018, 08:17 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Originally Posted by tomekmwa View Post
This year i made few experiments with stimulators and growing hormones.

1) For the first shot i aimed the Megafol of Valagro company.

a) This magicall elixir ought to protect my plants from stress. This stress might be coused by drought, rapid temperature changes etc. Does it work?
Ive used it few times on my basjoo. They really doesnt like dry days and full sun. Despite the use of the Megafol several times, they still fade.
Ive tested that stuff on Daturas, and they stoped to collapse.
b) All my 5 kinds of bananas loves that stuff. They grows faster. Day after spraing, they are more green.
c) I see there are less spider mates problems this year.
e) Megafol does not damage seedlings, it also does not damage freshly sprouted seeds. I did not notice any influence on seedlings.
f) Ive used it on other garden plants. They are significantly larger than plants which wasnt sprayed.

2) Titanite
Titanium is a naturally occurring element in the soil. The producer declares that we certainly have not enough of this element in the soil. Plants growing in alkaline earth need a lot of titanium. If we supply it to them in the form of a supplement, they will get super power - producer declares also.
Is it true?
a) Tested 3 times (once a month) on few kinds of naners.
The effect is crazy. Plants are far more stronger than were. New leafs looks more hard. The plants stretch out to the sun and abound in the green mass, as if they were about to explode. This stuff is really crazy. Ive used it on my sunflower also, the effect was the same.

3) Asahi sl
sodium para-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.3% (3 g in 1 liter of the product),
sodium ortho-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.2% (2 g in 1 liter of the product),
Sodium 5-nitrogwajacolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.1% (1 g in 1 liter of the agent).
''This stuff is a growth regulator, in liquid form for alternation with water. Asahi SL has an impact on higher yield and quality improvement..''
a) Ive used this stuff on all my naners from seedlings to mature plants.
The plants seems to doesnt like it. They get a strange dark green color after that. They seem to look like they are over-fertilized, not very vital, I do not know how to determine it. In my opinion theres no ''wow'' effect. Asahi killed two seedlings.

Sorry, I wrote this note a bit casually. I will try to expand it when time permits. I hope that someone may find my observations useful, just as yours are useful for me. Best wishes
Did you perform controlled experiments?

3. This is generically known as Atonik, if you want to Google it. I have some from a Chinese supplier, but, I haven't tested it on banana yet.

Another, that might interest you is

2-diethylaminoethyl-3,4-dichlorophenylether (DCPTA) Heliconia 30 micromole/L sugarbeet 30 micromole/L sugarbeet 10 ppm tomato 10 ppm

Molecular weight, 262.18 g/mol -> 30 micromole/L = 7865 x 10-6 g/L = 7.865 mg/L = 7.865 ppm

freely soluble in water and polar solvents

I have DCPTA, but, again haven't tried it on musa.
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Old 08-10-2018, 01:33 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Good information here -- including the section on Classes.
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Old 08-10-2018, 02:44 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

I notice an unusual cultural phenomenon in that there is a PGR called "NATCA" or "Folcisteine" which, if you Google,

you get 19,800 results, mostly of sellers, and, few, if any, of scientific papers. Is there a secret underground society that knows what to do with it? Well, since I don't know with to do with it, I'm not going to buy it.
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Old 08-12-2018, 02:20 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Thanks for the links guys, i will check them with great pleasure.
Yes, in my experiment i divided two groups of plants where the one was boosted by stimulants and npk, and the second group was only npk fertilized.
Ive tested that on balbisianas, basjoos, ventricosums, maurelli, glaucums, lasiocarpas, velutina, thomsoni.
And there were two groups non musa plants also such as: hydrangeas, sunflowers, decorative nettle. As i wrote, boosted group is significantly stronger and bigger but:

-Reaction of musa velutina is the most interesting on that experiment.
This plant was very sick before so i took it to test with a smill on my face. Velutina was fighting with spider mites since month. It leaves were damaged by these small bastards and by chemicals. I classified it for loss. Velutina unexpectedly gained vigor and grows beautifully for this moment. Of course, spider mites still appear and iam still using chemistry to send them to heaven.
-Balbisianas are far much taller than non tested group. Their steam looks really strong. In my opinion Balbisianas are very strong, and very hardy. I see they loves to be tested.
-My Glaucums seems to live their own lives... all the time something does not suit them so i really dont know why i included them to test.
-Ventricosum tested group was near to explode They are growing so crazy and In one moment they started to grow faster than they could. They had a problems with ragged leaves when non tested group was not. Non tested group is 1/3 smaller and their leaves looks better. This episode with ragged leaves last for 3 weeks and now its ok.
- basjoo tested group reacts better for sunlight stress. They seem to recover their shape faster. But they still colaps like the non tested group. The other situation is with my two Daturas. One of them significantly resists sun stress and does not fall down as the second non tested one.
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Old 08-12-2018, 04:28 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

What you have is no better than seaweed extract. For commercial grade PGRs check out products from Abbott AG.
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Old 08-13-2018, 10:15 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Originally Posted by tomekmwa View Post
3) Asahi sl
sodium para-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.3% (3 g in 1 liter of the product),
sodium ortho-nitrophenolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.2% (2 g in 1 liter of the product),
Sodium 5-nitrogwajacolate (a compound from the nitrophenol derivative group) - 0.1% (1 g in 1 liter of the agent).
''This stuff is a growth regulator, in liquid form for alternation with water. Asahi SL has an impact on higher yield and quality improvement..''
a) Ive used this stuff on all my naners from seedlings to mature plants.
The plants seems to doesnt like it. They get a strange dark green color after that. They seem to look like they are over-fertilized, not very vital, I do not know how to determine it. In my opinion theres no ''wow'' effect. Asahi killed two seedlings.
What percentage of Asahi sl did you use in the spray? I think that you are supposed to use around 10 ppm of active ingredients which translates to 0.00001/(0.003+0.002+0.001) = 0.001667 = 0.1667% = 1667 ppm = 1.667 g/L of Asahi si.
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Old 08-20-2018, 01:41 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth and Resistance Physiology of Banana Planting Big Seedlings

Spray concentration: 20 ppm

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Old 08-20-2018, 06:27 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Not sure about the rest but there is definitely scientific literature out there on the positive effects of titanates on a species specific basis. It works well with some, not at all with others. Can't find anything on Musa sp but it might be worth trying, might try some potassium titanate.
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:53 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: Growing hormones, stimulators experiments. A lill bit of practical knowledge.

Originally Posted by druss View Post
Not sure about the rest but there is definitely scientific literature out there on the positive effects of titanates on a species specific basis. It works well with some, not at all with others. Can't find anything on Musa sp but it might be worth trying, might try some potassium titanate.
Potassium titanate is insoluble in water. Much of the research was done with sprays of water soluble titanium ascorbate. This guy suggests a method for making titanium ascorbate from titanium dioxide and ascorbic acid (vitamin C):
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Old 08-22-2018, 04:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
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I did note the solubility issues, hadn't had time to update my post, but hadn't come across the vitamin c info, cool.
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