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Banana Plant Soil, Additives, and Fertilizer This forum is an area where you may discuss the soil to grow banana plants in, as well as soil additives such as teas, composts, manures, fertilizers and related topics.

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Old 04-10-2020, 03:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Help with soil solution

Hello guys!
Bought my first banana plant, it was mentioned as Dwarf Cavendish.
It was in a quite tight container so i had to replant it asap.
As I had 0 exp with bananas, I red somewhere that "universal soil" should be good. But seems like it's not as I'm reading now...

What I have: banana plant in in a pot under HPS lamp + additional CFL in a soil "Compo sana Universal" which is mostly peat I think. It feels very soft, lush and well ventilated, and doesn't feels dry even when it's actually dry :-/ Also it becomes quite dense after watering, so I'm loosening it up after watering with a wood stick.
Banana is alive and looks happy as never before. It came to me with huge lower leaves and very small and "stuck" 6 youngest leaves. After 1 month new leaves in my pot increasing in size steadily and growing longer stems, which is a great sign.

BUT! Do I need to do anything with my soil which might not be too loose for banana? I don't want him to get root rot Maybe I have to extract it to add some sand? Or leave it be as long as it's happy?

Also, would appreciate advice about fertilizing. Using 1.4-1.0-2.0 plus 0.6Ca and 0.5Mg organic liquid fertilizer for palms each week. Sometimes I'm using wood ash mixed with water instead of this fert (1 big spoon of ash for 1 litre of boiling water and leaving it in a warm place for a week).
Is it OK, or I should change my plan???
Is it ok?
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Old 08-16-2020, 06:02 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Smile Re: Help with soil solution

Originally Posted by Sataroth View Post
Hello guys!
Bought my first banana plant, it was mentioned as Dwarf Cavendish.
It was in a quite tight container so i had to replant it asap.
As I had 0 exp with bananas, I red somewhere that "universal soil" should be good. But seems like it's not as I'm reading now...

What I have: banana plant in in a pot under HPS lamp + additional CFL in a soil "Compo sana Universal" which is mostly peat I think. It feels very soft, lush and well ventilated, and doesn't feels dry even when it's actually dry :-/ Also it becomes quite dense after watering, so I'm loosening it up after watering with a wood stick.
Banana is alive and looks happy as never before. It came to me with huge lower leaves and very small and "stuck" 6 youngest leaves. After 1 month new leaves in my pot increasing in size steadily and growing longer stems, which is a great sign.

BUT! Do I need to do anything with my soil which might not be too loose for banana? I don't want him to get root rot Maybe I have to extract it to add some sand? Or leave it be as long as it's happy?

Also, would appreciate advice about fertilizing. Using 1.4-1.0-2.0 plus 0.6Ca and 0.5Mg organic liquid fertilizer for palms each week. Sometimes I'm using wood ash mixed with water instead of this fert (1 big spoon of ash for 1 litre of boiling water and leaving it in a warm place for a week).
Is it OK, or I should change my plan???
Is it ok?
Sounds like a great detailed plan...

Me ..... a granular 19-19-19- or a Miracle grow type soluble with some great soilless mix seems to work so far.
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