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Old 08-06-2013, 12:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Is it possible to overwater a maurelli?

This plant is against a west facing wall. I put it there over 2 years ago. Initially, the direct sun and heat reflected off the stucco wall was too much, causing the leaves to wilt and burn. I put up the bamboo screen that you see in the photo. The plant got a lot better, but never really thrived. This particular spot has very damp, clay soil. So I'm not sure if that's the problem.

But, the Misi Luki a few feet away really thrived in the same soil, and has 2 fruiting bunches. I just ate one banana today, super delicious.

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Old 08-08-2013, 10:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Is it possible to overwater a maurelli?

I've heard they prefer filtered sunlight/partial shade to full/hot sun constantly. My current one is in full sun and has be doing decently, but is growing pretty slowly compared to other Ensetes I have.

As far as watering, YES, it's possible to overwater it. Especially if the soil is poorly-draining (like clay, as described). If you plan to keep bananas in that area long-term, I'd suggest digging out as much of the area as you can (down 3-4 feet and across even farther) and replacing it with well-draining soil. If you just have a small hole dug into clay that you planted into, they won't likely do very well if you get a lot of moisture.
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