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Old 05-29-2009, 04:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default SoCal - Palm, Cycad & Bamboo Sale This Saturday

Read about this in another group and thought some members here might be interested:
This Saturday the Palm Society of Southern California, Quail Botanical Gardens and the Southern California Chapter of the American Bamboo Society will be having a sale. A copy of the announcement follows:

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2009

Quail Botanical Gardens

230 Quail Gardens Dr.
Encinitas ,CA 92024
Quail Phone Number: (760) 436-3036

Every fourth year the PSSC coordinates a Meeting with the Annual Palm and Cycad Sale at Quail Gardens in Encinitas, CA. This is that year!

This event is hosted by the PSSC, the A.. B. S., and the Gardens. Some of the best palm, cycad and bamboo nurseries from around Southern California will be there to offer you rare and unusual species for sale. The sale will be held in the parking lot at the entrance to the botanical garden. The Sale begins at 9:00 AM and continues to approximately 3:30PM. There will be a nominal reduced charge to enter the gardens for this event.
Mark Riedler, the PSSC Newsletter Editor, will be giving a presentation on his recent trip to Madagascar. Following him, longtime PSSC member Jeff Brusseau will talk about palms in Central America and Madagascar. Both talks will include slides of palms, the local habitat and the culture of these palm rich areas. With two speakers, the Garden and lots of palms, bamboo and cycads for sale, this should be a great meeting.

9:00 AM: Palm, Bamboo and Cycad Sale begins
10:00 AM: PSSC Meeting begins with visits to the booths of vendors
11:00 AM: Tour of the palms of QBG led by Garden Staff
12:00 Noon: Lunch on your own. Bring a bag lunch or visit nearby restaurants
1:00 PM: Formal meeting begins in Ecke Hall, just south of the parking lot
1:15 PM: Mark Riedler, presentation on Madagascar
2:15 PM: Jeff Brusseau, presentation on palms of Central America and Madagascar
3:00 PM: Adjournment

Quail Botanical Gardens is just 20 minutes north of downtown San Diego in Encinitas, California. It covers approximately 35 acres at 230 Quail Gardens Drive, which runs parallel to Interstate 5 between Encinitas Ave. and Leucadia Blvd.

Coming from the South: Take I-5 North, exit Encinitas Boulevard and turn right (heading east) (0.5 miles) turn left on Quail Gardens Drive (0.3 miles). the entrance to the Gardens will be on your left

Coming from the North: Take I-5 South, exit Leucadia Boulevard and turn left (heading east) (0.5 miles) turn right on Quail Gardens Drive (1 mile), the entrance to the Gardens will be on your right
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