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Old 12-18-2010, 02:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Been nuts, gone bananas
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Default Sweet dreams thread

Okay, if we can have an insomnia thread, why not one about dreams??!!

I get very busy beginning in September with chestnut harvest and then shipping and don't have much time to post here around these times. And now, the weather has turned cold and I have a hard time getting to excited talking about bananas with brown leaves (though they're actually looking pretty good for having gone through 7 or 8 days of frost in the past month). However, early this morning, things seemed totally different!!!!!!! I was dreaming of being a much younger man and I had just enlisted in the military (Army or USMC...not sure, some details got lost). I got assigned to some unknown base in the Philippine Islands. I was given an introductory tour of the operations and what do you know?! We were on a banana farm and there was a greenhouse full of uniform rows and rows of various banana plants two to three feet tall. I specifically remember seeing Ae Ae and Senorita. Unfortunately, I woke up before I tasted any!!! This is my first dream of bananas and I wonder if anybody else here is as weird as me!

Please share any recent fun dream you've had. Please keep stories devoted to sweet dreams. Start your own thread if you've got nightmares!
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Old 12-18-2010, 07:07 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sweet dreams thread

Hi Harvey;
I hope you wont be sorry you asked, because I have a habit of rambling on a bit.............
I believe dreams are a very significant part of life and have always been interested in them. Some people say they dont dream or cant remember them. I look forward to them and most of the time find them very entertaining and sometimes very useful. At one time I was lucky if I remembered the odd dream. Now I sometimes remember 4 or 5 each night.
The trick is to try not to fully wake up and jump out of bed in the morning. As you awaken, stay quiet and try to remember what you were last dreaming of. Keep a notebook and pen next to your bed and write down everything you can remember. You will be surprised at the amount of detail you can recall, and it just gets easier with this habit.
At one time I kept a dream diary for over a year. I would read the week's dreams at the end of the week, and to my surprise, after about 6 months I was dreaming literally what was going on in my life exactly 3 days prior. Important events exactly as in the dreams and always 3 days ahead. Dream 'symbolism' seemed to give way to literal people and situations.
On the rare occasion, I can remember Im dreaming and then stop and choose to dream whatever I want. (I LOVE to fly!) LOL If you, or anyone else, has an interest in the meaning of their dreams, I was taught a very unique way of interpreting them.
First, write your dreams down as soon as possible after you awake. Next, cross out all the nouns and pronouns. As you do this, replace them with YOUR meaning of them. (write them above the word you've crossed out). In other words, lets say you dream of walking down the street with your friend 'Joe'. You would cross out street and Joe. You would replace them with what 'street' represents to YOU. To me, street would represent 'travel'. Maybe not to you, and this is important. You can find the meanings by asking yourself 'what does this represent to me?' Its usually the very FIRST thing that comes to mind without deliberating on it. Other people are rarely actually in our dreams, and likely represents different attributes of ourselves. In this instance, lets say my fictional friend 'Joe' is very happy all the time, so 'Joe' would represent this to me. So you then replace 'Joe' with happiness. I think you can follow the thread of this particular part of the dream then; I will be traveling somewhere which will bring me happiness.
After you've done this with the entire dream, you then go back and re read it. Ill bet lots of things begin to make much more sense and after a while you begin to see the connection in daily life. Even if you think it is just BS, why not give it a try and see if you can make these connections? I find it very intriguing and interesting to be able to find new insights into life through this means. Id be very interested to find out the meaning of your Military banana dream!!!

PS I have often dreamed of bananas, all kinds of yet-to-be-seen VARIEGATED ones!!!
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Old 12-18-2010, 08:01 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sweet dreams thread

Great idea, Harvey!

I often have very vivid dreams, and like varieg8, look forward to them and try to remember them.

Winter is a hard time for me, I get up every 1.5 hrs to go out to the greenhouse and put wood in the stove, so my sleep is very broken up.... but last night I had a great dream...

"Someone" had taken over the city or world, and I was part of a special ops unit to try and overthrow them. This involved running, leaping, kungfuing, and at one point, to evade the bad guys, I levitated about 15 feet into the air (felt great!). Lots of action and guns... (although I didn't shoot any)

Often I can trace my dreams back to something that has happened, or a show I watched.... I think my dream related to a mix of "Dr. Who" and "Legion", both of which I watched yesterday.

The really funny part about the dream is that I actually can't do any of that action stuff, due to arthritis it takes me minutes to walk down a flight of stairs!
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Old 12-18-2010, 08:51 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sweet dreams thread

My dreams can be very vivid to the point of being like watching a movie. Sometimes, if I get up in the middle of the dream, and go to the loo, once I get back to bed, I'll start where I left off. I do keep an eye on my dreams, as they are sometimes profetic. If I dream of an earthquake, there will be one the following day. It's the same with weather dreams. I've had dreams where there are many tornado's and then there will be an outbreak. Same thing with volcanic eruptions. Lately, everything is rather quiet, which is just fine with me. I once dreamed of waking down a hallway with florescent lights over head and worms coming through the cealing. I really get some wierd dreams sometimes

I would think that a dream of being in the millitary would mean that you like order and regiment in your life and in your gardening. Good straight rows. Nothing out of place ehhehehhehe

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Old 12-18-2010, 11:20 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sweet dreams thread

Hey, Kurt, I think I must have joined the military just to have an excuse to be some place warmer than here! haha I have lately thought about maybe buying a place in Nicaragua (where we sponsor three children from different families) so we could see them more and get away from the cold winters. I haven't had any dreams about that yet, though, so I guess nothing is in the works there.

I should probably do like varig8 says and start a diary as I forget the details of my dreams and sometimes get confused about if I had really done something or if it was just a dream (i.e., if I'm thinking about the subject a couple of weeks later).

Many years ago, maybe 30 or more, I learned in my dreams that if I flapped my arms hard enough I could barely fly. Sort of like a helicopter carrying a very heavy load! I did have that experience recur sometime about a year ago. Maybe if I lose some weight those dreams will recur more often!
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