Ensete ventricosum
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Species Name
Ensete ventricosum
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Gabe15)
(credit Dombo)
(credit Lucian)
(credit damaclese)
- Genetic Group -
- Date realized in trade -was originally cataloged in 1860s
grown as a food crop in Ethiopia
- Time To Bloom - Aprox 4 years
- Time To Harvest - 5 years
- Mature Height - 20ft
- Survival Zone -9-11
- Fruiting Zone - 9-11
- Cold Hardiness -9
- Wind - moderate
- Sun - full to part shade
- Taste Description - corm is eaten
- Personal Notes -corm grows to over 40kg dose not like high humidity
grows extremely fast if watered and fertilized
- Growth tips - grows extremely fast from seed protect young seedlings from sun for the first 3 months harden off before placing out side repot often when roots show out bottom of pot typically 3 to 4 times the first year don't spray crown with water rots easily
Known Afflictions
- Pests -Banana Aphid, Banana weevil,spider mites,nematodes
- Susceptible Diseases - Rhizome Rot, Moko Disease, Black sigatoka, Anthracnose, Yellow sigatoka, Panama Disease, Bunchy top, Banana mosaic, Coconut scale, Cigar end rot
- Resistant Diseases - Many
Research Notes
- Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
- Typical Price Range - $15-$40 depending on size
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources