Musa FHIA-3 Sweetheart

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Cultivar Name

Musa 'FHIA-3 Sweetheart'


FHIA-03, FHIA-3, SH-3565 (Breeder's Code) [1]



(credit PR-Giants)


(credit PR-Giants)


(credit PR-Giants)


(credit NANAMAN)


(credit the flying dutchman)


(credit NANAMAN)


The FHIA is a federal organization that is owned by the Honduras Government It has been breeding bananas for years. The first widely available cultivar, Musa hybrid FHIA-1 'Goldfinger' is already having some impact and this new hybrid is sure to follow. Musa hybrid FHIA-3 'Sweetheart' was bred and selected for increased disease resistance and yield Excellent flavor and good size make it atractive to the home gardener. It is only recent available. It has been described as similar as 'Goldfinger' or 'Orinoco'. It is very tolerant of sub-standard growing conditions, especially poor quality soils. The fruit ripen very quicly after picking so they should be left on the stalk until almost needed. Just harvest one hand at a time. It has a reputation for drought and wind resistance. Clusters are usually 30-150 Lbs.

  • Genetic Group - AABB



  • Date realized in trade -


Desert banana Cooking banana


  • Time To Bloom -
  • Time To Harvest -


  • Mature Height -

10-12 feet

  • Survival Zone -


  • Fruiting Zone -
  • Cold Hardiness -
  • Wind -

Very thick p-stem. Wind resistant

  • Sun -
  • Taste Description -

Slight lemon flavor

  • Personal Notes -


  • Growth tips -

Use it too protect wind sensitive varieties (block)

Known Afflictions

  • Pests -
  • Susceptible Diseases -

FOC(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense)/Panama Disease FHIA-3 is susceptible to FOC (Panama Disease) races 1 and 4, experiencing high internal discoloration of vascular tissue. However, despite this, the cultivar was able to still produce high bunch weights in field testing. [1] According to the breeder's cultivar info sheet, FHIA-3 is resistant to Panama Disease.[2]

  • Resistant Diseases -

FOC(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense)/Panama Disease Despite the breeder's cultivar info, field trials and testing have been mixed regarding FHIA-3's resistance to FOC (Panama Disease). Based on this, growers should practice caution when planting it in regions and areas known to be infected, and monitor plants closely for signs of disease.[1,2]

Black Sigatoka According to the breeder, FHIA-3 is resistant to Black Sigatoka leaf disease. [2]

Moko Disease The breeder also notes that FHIA-3 is resistant to the bacterial disease, Moko. [2]

Research Notes

  • Links to useful discussion threads in the forum:
  • Typical Price Range -

Members Growing This Banana


  • Links

[1] [2]

  • Sources