Musa Popoulu puapua'nui
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Cultivar Name
Musa popoulu puapua'nui
popoulu kapua
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Fan-tail on a fowl" resembles Iholena. It has a medium thick, tough skin which is yellow when ripe and the flesh is light salmon color, edible raw or cooked. The fruit is broad at the tip, hence the name Puapua nui, meaning "fan-tail on a fowl." The leaf is broad, green on the upper sruface, dull below, bronze on the under side when young; the midrib is trough-like on top and flesh colored underneath, has brown margins with purple and pink below. The trunk is tall, green with pink and patched with brown. Reported to be one of the varieties that women were allowed to eat. Fruit are 6.5" and subacid with apple like flavor. Turns yellow two weeks before fully ripening.
- Genetic Group - AAB
- Date realized in trade -
Fresh or cooked
- Time To Bloom -
- Time To Harvest -
- Mature Height -
- Survival Zone -
- Fruiting Zone -
- Cold Hardiness -
- Wind -
- Sun -
- Taste Description -
- Personal Notes -
- Growth tips -
Known Afflictions
- Pests -
- Susceptible Diseases -
- Resistant Diseases -
Research Notes
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- Typical Price Range -
Members Growing This Banana
- Links
- (Links to other useful pages on the web that mention this banana. Example: International Banana Society)
- Sources